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Please help me!

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  • Please help me!

    I don't really know where to post this because it could be just about any problem, but here it goes.

    I am having major problems with my computer. It crashes completely randomly and sometimes even restarts for no reason. I have upgraded it several times in the past year and I am wondering if that could be the problem.

    Here are my system specs before I upgraded:

    AMD Duron 850 MGz
    128 Mb SDRAM
    TNT2 Video Card (no fan or anything)
    Sound Blaster Live 5.1
    Motherboard: unknown (3 PCI slots)
    Microsoft Windows ME

    I'm not absolutely sure about the video card, but it was really small and had no fan/heatsink and no capacitors... very crappy.

    Here are my updated specs:
    AMD Duron 1.3 GHz (upgraded)
    640 Mb SDRAM (upgraded)
    GeForce 4 Ti 4600 Video Card (upgraded)
    Sound Blaster Live 5.1
    Motherboard: unknown (3 PCI slots)
    Microsoft Windows XP (upgraded)

    My new video card has a heatsink/fan combo and is much bigger than my last one.

    I called a tech support guy at Microsoft and I looked at an error list thingie that said it was a BIOS problem, which it might be, but I am also beginning to think that it is a power supply. I think I have less than 200 watts, and with all the hardware I upgraded, do you think that the new stuff isn't getting enough power and shutting down/freezing? Also, when I upgraded to XP (which was my last upgrade) that's when the problems started... I wasn't having any problems with ME, although my system runs much smoother with XP.

    I have been thinking of getting a new motherboard with 6 PCI slots, 512 Mb of PC-3700 DDR-RAM, and a new case with a 450 watt power supply. Do you think that would solve my problems?

    Also, I've formatted my hard drive and reinstalled my operating system and video card drivers numerous times, but nothing will fix these crashes and random restarts!

    I am soooo frustrated, somebody help me PLEASE!!!!!:cry:

  • #2
    If you used the XP upgrade rather than reformatting that could very well be the problem. I had many problems with my XP upgrade, including the problems you're describing. When I reformatted it solved all my problems. I would recommend putting a clean copy of XP on your computer.


    • #3
      200 Watts is ridiculously low. You need a new power supply, because the symptoms you describe fit a lack of clean sufficient power. Get something which is 350W+ but most importantly is a good brand - i.e. supplies clean voltage.

      Also make sure you get decent RAM, with matching sticks (i.e. the same brand and speed). On top of that you need to make sure the whole case is ventilated well

      Once you've installed ALL the new components, then do a full reformat and fresh install of Windows. Only then will your problems end.
      My Machine


      • #4
        I have reformatted it and installed XP numerous times. And what power supply would you reccomend?


        • #5
          Antec, Enermax, at LEAST 350W, Should have around 170W on the +12V rail. Id recommend getting 400W, especially if ya gonna be running Some LED fans and all that stuff. Just DONT get a generic Power Supply, it could cost you a lot in the long run


          • #6
            I checked out the prices of power supplies on the antec site ( i think) and they are rediculous... $70+ for a power supply? Way out of my budge for a power supply, anyways. I checked some out at and they are pretty cheap... $25 for a 450 watt power supply and I might go for that one after I get a second opinion of course ;). Can someone look at 'em for me? Here's a link:

            Tell me what you think


            • #7
              Hmmm....It seems to be okay, but thats based on 4user reviews......I wish it listed The voltage rails and other specs, But as it being a should be all good


              • #8
                Thanks. By the way, I opened up my case and it turns out I have 250 watts. I took out my 128 Mb RAM chip thinking it might decrease the wattage my computer is sucking up... it didn't freeze for about an hour which is pretty good compared to my usual freeze/random restart of 5 per hour. But then it froze... maybe it just worked a little?


                • #9
                  Yea odds are that 250's causing ya probs. I would get that 450W, and post here what it does

                  EDIT: shoot, just looked at ya specs, with that ti4600, id almost vertainly place it on the power supply, its probably not getting enough power, causing the system hangs


                  • #10
                    Other than the low powered PSU ya have there it's also very likely a BIOS problem as well unless ya have flashed it recently because it's obviously of the same generation as the old "Spitfire" cored Duron that ya just swapped out and replaced with a "Morgan" cored one which carries a few extra goodies on board. Hunt down ya mobo and then look for a BIOS version compatible with ya new CPU.


                    • #11
                      What does "flashed" mean? And if i got a new motherboard and new ram and a new power supply would it definately fix my problems?


                      • #12
                        Ya know, I was having a similar problem with my system. I flashed the BIOS, and nothing really happened. I had my girlfriend flash it for me....that sure got MY processor running, but didn't seem to do much for the motherboard. Hmmmm...

                        As far as your problems....I've bought new motherboards, processors, RAM, fans, video cards, etc....and they've never solved any of my problems with acne or snails in the garden.


                        • #13
                          You might try this ...


                          • #14
                            Thank you, that fixed ALL my problems :rolleyes:


                            • #15
                              Sorry buddy....just couldn't resist. I hope you took it well....and that site is hilarious.
                              Anyway....I just flashed my BIOS was easy with a program that ASUS packages with their motherboards, but you probably don't have're gonna have to first find a BIOS for your motherboard (That's the set of hardware instructions and settings). The BIOS is put onto a memory chip which is "flashable" other words, you can put a new one on, but be VERY careful! If something goes wrong while flashing a BIOS, you may end up with NOTHING, and a motherboard that has to be sent back to the manufacturer. Look on the mobo for the name and revision numbers. Make sure you have the EXACT name, and find a BIOS that matches, and that's the newest revision. Often, the revision will state what problems it fixes. If you have trouble, there's a few free programs that will read all that for ya, just Google for them. Once you've found your correct BIOS, you'll need to make a backup of the original BIOS, in case the other doesn't work as expected. Here's a simple set of instructions.
                              Now, you may be asking yourself: Why flash my BIOS? Well, seems that manufacturers are usually in a hurry to get boards out, and can't always make their boards compatible with every emerging technology and standard. Putting a flashable BIOS on the board allows them to meet new standards and compatibilities once they're ratified and approved, and cover their hineys and fix it. Also, a board may be sent out with many functions disabled or governed down so that they don't get them all sent back for crashing. After they've been on the market and used for awhile, they'll let ya have a little more room to play, so to speak.
                              As for your problems....yeah, a new mobo, power supply and RAM will basically be giving you a brand new machine....perhaps even with a new set of problems to deal with. If the problem lays in your processor, the harddrive, or som random quark element, it's not gonna fix your (computer) problems. IMHO, I'd try and get it going with the equipment you have. If nothing else, you'll learn a heck of a lot, and you'll also know that all your peripheral stuff works, so if you decide to upgrade, you can rule those problem elements out. If it doesn't work out....well, you were gonna upgrade anyway....right?
                              Hope that makes up a bit for pulling your leg. Good luck with the project, and listen to these guys here! They really do know what they're doing. They've taught me a whole lot, and with a sense of humor. I call them friends now....

