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Where is a tec!!

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  • Where is a tec!!

    Im having a bad locking problem and I wondering If anyone can help!!!!! The cpu is locking up 3 to 6 times a day....when it is in a windows applicationit locks to the BSOD and when it is in a game I cant see the desktop but on some of them, the music keeps playing so its not very hard lock... Ive been going in circles for months now...

    I have a P43.06w/Htt Asus P4G8X Deluxe mobo, 512meg of DDR333, Western Digital 80 gig HD(se w/8meg cache), Radeon9800 Pro 128meg, onboard sound, onboard lan......

    Right now I do not have any floppy or cd drive plugged up... Ive put 3 different NEW video cards( G4 ti4200 8X, Radeon9700 pro and the 9800 Pro)..someone said that the sound may cause this problem os I got a SB audigy MP3+ and tried it..No change...tried RMAing the memory, got the new, and no difference. Also changed the mobo.. Had a soyo Dragon P4X400 First... Im to the point now where I think it is either the HD or the processor.... Can anyone tell me anything??????

  • #2
    Hey , Not a tech here but keep throwing the beans @ it and you should find the prob ?? Wish i had your prob .......


    • #3
      Hi, first of all this has nothing to do with Windows as such. Moving to the Incompatibilities and Issues forum.

      Next, I've got a P4G8X and the locking you're describing (at least the lockups where the sound loops) is graphics-card based.

      Download and install the 3.4 Catalysts from here and install them. If you already have them installed, go to Control Panel>Add/remove and uninstall them. Then reboot and reinstall both the drivers and control panel.

      Then go into SmartGart and turn off Fast Writes. This is absolutely necessary with the P4G8X and any ATi-based card, and it makes no difference to performance. Reboot and then uninstall SmartGart altogether using this program. Just run the utility and it will uninstall SmartGart, again with no performance drop.

      Next, make sure your RAM is set to 'By SPD' in the BIOS, and that ensures maximum stability. I doubt your RAM is the problem, but on a Dual Channel board you do need to make sure the two sticks of RAM are matching (i.e. same brand and specs).

      Your CPU should be fine, but you need to make sure it has adequate cooling, and check your CPU temperature using Asus Probe. If it's higher than 60C then you need to start looking at some extra cooling.

      You also need to make sure you have enough airflow around your graphics card, because if it's a closed case and no air inflow/outflow, heat will just build up and result in crashes and BSODs, even without any overclocking.

      Most importantly though, what you're describing sounds like you also need to go through and thoroughly optimize your system. Go through my XP Tweak Guide to make sure all your XP settings are appropriate.
      My Machine


      • #4
        OK I turned off the fast writes, reinstalled drivers and uninstalled the Smart Gart....Ram is by SPD and both sticks are exactlly the same...the CPU temp is 49C right now but when I play a game It jumps to 55-57C..Is that too close for comfort? I have a Antec tower with 4 case fans and 2 in the PS....No side cover.... Can you recommend a good cpu cooler? Will the Water cooler be a good choice? Or do you recommend a standard cooler?


        • #5
          A Volcano 7+ or 11 will do nicely (don't get the plain 7 or 9). :thumb:

          Also are ya front fans suckin' air in and the rear ones blowin' out? :?:


          • #6
            55-57C under full load is pretty standard for a closed-case stock cooler P4 in a room with around 24C ambient. So for a case with fans and the side off that sounds a little steep, unless the room temp is very high. My setup (see specs and pic in link) gets 37C idle and 46C under load. I personally use a Thermaltake Spark 7, so you don't need watercooling. Also look into Wiggo's suggestions.

            Do you have anything cooling the graphics card? Even at stock temps a 9800 Pro will get quite hot under load, so the case fan setup is essentially for evacuating the hot air around the graphics card fast enough. Anything blowing air past the card?
            My Machine


            • #7
              right now I have the side cover off the case with a fan blowing in the side!!! But I just let a game Idle (not playing on on a game) and shut the game down and checked the temp and it was 68C!!!I think that is a little too hot
              Im getting ready to this damn thing


              • #8
                Intel P4 CPUs have a thermal protection system whereby they steadily reduce the processor's speed once the temp exceeds 65-70C. So your CPU is not going to burn, but performance is reduced and the chance for errors (BSODs, crashes) is high.

                Now, since every cooling effort you make means that the CPU is still not getting cold (68C on full load is too high with cooling), then obviously your CPU (the actual chip) is not making good contact with the heatsink.

                You need to remove the stock heatsink, buy a better one if possible (Thermaltake have a good range), and most importantly clean off that black thermal padding crap that Intel provide as the interface between the HS&F.

                Then buy some Arctic Silver 3 (cheap and effective), thinly coat your CPU as per instructions, install a good heatsink and fan and watch the temps drop.

                The bottom line is if the CPU and heatsink don't make excellent contact, all the fan cooling in the world won't prevent heat building up in the CPU core.

                Don't be discouraged. Once you resolve your CPU cooling problems - and it's really quite cheap and simple to do - then your system should become a lot more stable and kick some ass.
                My Machine


                • #9
                  Ok I think Ive found the problem and (I think it is the Processor) I contacted Intel...They told me to run a few tests and it come back as BAD. And by the way they was talking there was a bad FAIMILY for the P4 3.06....they didnt say it like that, BUT, that is just the way they was talking.... So if anyone else is having the same problem, It could be the same thing and you might need to contact Intel.......Thx a lot guys and I will post back and tell you the results when I get my prop back.


                  • #10
                    and wat were those tests that u ran? :?:
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                    Customized for 1024x768


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Do ya remember the stepping as this could be handy for others with similar probs and the same stepping.


                        • #13
                          OK well if Intel are willing to replace the CPU then you should be happy :)

                          BTW everything else I've mentioned above still applies regardless of the CPU. That is, the P4G8X (Granite Bay) chipset has issues with Radeon 9700 Pros unless you turn off Fast Writes and also best to uninstall SmartGart etc.
                          My Machine


                          • #14

