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DVD player in computer

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  • DVD player in computer

    My DVD player in my computer was working fine before I formated my hard drive. After reinstalling everything, it can recognize program CDs but will not recognize DVDs. If I put a DVD in that drive, nothing happens. If I go to Windows Explorer and try to see what's in the drive (with a DVD in it), it will tell me to put a disk in there.
    Can someone give me a quick diagnostic of what might happened?
    Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    if i remember correctly we had a similar problem in forums.
    it was solved when the guy enabled DMA on the IDE.
    did you check that you have DMA enabled or you working with PIO?
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    • #3
      Well, I am running XP. DMA is enabled. I got an error message right after re-install of XP about updating decoder. I got the latest version PowerDVD (plus patch) installed. The drive recognize CDs fine. But when I put a DVD disk in there, the drive act like there's nothing in there. I ran a PowerDVD diagnostic and the result was: the drive is labeled as DVD/CD but it is recognized as a CD drive.
      I am stumped. It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I have been trying to figure this out for 4 days.
      Thanks for your reply. Anymore suggestions that can get me going?


      • #4
        did you try removing secondary IDE and installing it again?
        there could be an error in installing the drivers for your DVD player, this might help.
        Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
        Last Updated:
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        If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
        icq : 203189004
        jabber : [email protected]
        Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
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        • #5
          Not yet mainly because the computer is in a pretty tight place. Opening it requires quite a bit of time. I am tempting to reformat the computer and reinstall everything again and see what happens.
          This sounds like a software problem right?
          Thank you for the suggestions.


          • #6
            he doesn't mean physically removing anything...he's talking about removing it from Device Manager:


            • #7
              Sorry for the misunderstanding. If just removing the device in device manager, than I have done that.


              • #8
                no probs mate no need to say sorry but just removing it won't solve the problem. you have to install it back again.
                in the same window, go to action menu and click on "scan for hardware changes".
                let windows install the drivers. it will install secondary IDE once again. now enable DMA and i hope the problem will be solved.
                Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                Last Updated:
                10th MARCH

                If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                icq : 203189004
                jabber : [email protected]
                Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                yabaa dabaa doo...
                Customized for 1024x768


                • #9
                  I did all the suggestions here already but no go.:grr:
                  Thank you all for the efforts.
                  These drives (DVD/CD combo drive) have single lense but dual laser pickup right? I am beginning to think that this is a hardware issue and there is nothing I can do except replace the drive.


                  • #10
                    I've run into some problems with DVD playback not working after installing RealOne Player or some other media player type program and it hijacking all the DVD associations.. I had to go through a whole big ordeal with registry editing to fix it. I wish I still had the URL with all the documentation but that was a while back.

                    it could be the problem here.:hammer:


                    • #11
                      The thing is that the drive does not recognize DVDs anymore. Any program in the computer will not recognize I put a DVD in the drive. On the other hand, computer recognize any CDs i put in that drive just fine.
                      What I think is that the laser that read DVD is not working anymore.
                      I wanted to fix this mainly because it's a Sony computer. It has its own cover and I worry if any other DVD drive will fit in.
                      Thank you for your suggestion.

