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Sound card

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  • #16
    though Wiggo is the best man to tell you wat it is but i feel that it is the on-board sound that you have.
    you seem to have installed the other sound card without disabling your onboard sound and that is wat seems to have effected your gaming performance.
    disabling the on board sound won't harm you cos you already have a different sound card installed.
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    • #17
      ok thnx for everything my games work much better
      still in Enter The matrix if i got p41.5 512 RDRAM ti4400
      most of the game wroked great but at a giant places
      i had pc lags is it ok? i think i just need to upgrade my
      proccesor or smthing anyway im very happy now and
      thanx for all

      oh and i just disabled that Onboard sound
      should i uninstall it?


      • #18
        Those older P4's below 2GHz always "feel" sluggish due to their architecture but your's is a socket 423 thus it will make it very difficult to find a quicker CPU to upgrade too without swapping the mobo as later P4's are socket 478.

