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Need some help, not sure what to do

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  • Need some help, not sure what to do

    Hello, I decided to try and build my first comp, and have had some trouble. I got the following:

    Antec Plus 1080 w/ true 430w PS
    Athlon XP 2000+
    Biostar M7VIT
    256 MB PC2100 Kingston
    GeForce4 TI4200
    52x CD Drive

    Just some basic stuff to try building one. Anyways, after putting everything together, I push to power button and nothing happens. Try a different PS and it atleast boots, so I'm guessing the 430w is dead. Begins initial sequences, Biostar graphic comes up, posts info on temps and PS voltage, then says it had a problem loading windows. Safe mode and regular mode bring up a blue screen, then quickly reboots. Same cycle continues. Boot disks dont work, and it wont load off a cd. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hmm, well, I put the hard drive into another computer and got the same results. Is the hard drive dead?


    • #3
      well fark, after a few booting attempts it loaded on the other comp... so whats wrong with the first one...?


      • #4
        Well first of all, it may not boot to a floopy or CD because of the BIOS settings.

        As for the OS.. Im gonna say just the different hardware configurations. Is this a fresh install? I know when I transfered my HD from my old machine to my newly built one i had the same problem, it wouldnt boot on the built one, but would boot fine on the old one. There is a tweak on the windows website somewhere involving ther registry. Try searching the stop error on the site.

