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AMD XP 2600+ freezing on windows load

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  • AMD XP 2600+ freezing on windows load

    First of all, I have to crap the people that I got my barebone from... Don't buy from whrought Ebay or through their website... Very crappy customer care and service.. Whatever... Any questions you may have about my experience, just msg me...

    My question is.. I have an ECS K7 board and 512 DDR333 ram that does not function on the first slot but the second.. And my CPU does not run higher then 2000+.. When I try 166 through bios and restart my processor works at 2600+..
    Basically, If I go higher than 2000+ my computer will freeze while the Windows XP welcome screen comes up...

    The CPU has a generic heatsink with a not very strong looking fan (I'm pretty new to AMD OC)... So that might be a problem.. I f anyone wants a picture of inside my case to see the cpu cooler private msg me with your email..

    any help is appreciated...

  • #2
    Is the memory Pc 2100, 2700, or 3200 ?
    the 2100 does not work well with the Barton cpu's.
    That may be your problem, IF that is what you have.


    • #3
      Originally posted by transistance
      I have an ECS K7 board and 512 DDR333 ram that does not function on the first slot but the second
      Originally posted by rperk8
      Is the memory Pc 2100, 2700, or 3200 ?
      rperk8, it looks like he already answered that ;)

      transistance, what is the multiplier set to when you put the fsb at 166 (which should be the default for a 2600+). The problem you seem to be experiencing normally only occurs with bad overclocking. Also, what are your memory timings set to?


      • #4
        :snip: You're right. My bad.


        • #5
          Gee I hate mobo's made by OEM manufacturers just as much as I hate ALi and SiS mobo chipsets but what is the actual mobo model number as K7 begins the model number on over 20 boards listed by them. This thread also doesn't belong in this forum either so it'll be moved now.


          • #6
            Bought a biostar board for my bother in-law and put my old generic heatsink on it that came with my AMD 2600. Would not boot. So I called tech support. TRY SOME NEW GREASE FOR CPU THEY SAID... Works just fine.

            Hope that helps....


            • #7
              Sorry for not replying for so long.. I had some chdl projects I had to work on.. Back to subject..

              Minibubba I appreciate your concern in the real issue... To tell you the truth I have no experience in overclocking(that was the reason why I posted this msg in OC section). This is my first amd system, and I want to learn how to OC.. So I can have a more personalized and efficient system... Please help me out with this?

              I can beg if anyone wants to?


              • #8
                Originally posted by transistance
                I can beg if anyone wants to?
                begging is good, I also accept bribes ;)

                Head into your bios and tell us what the multilier, fsb, and memory timings are set too, as well as your temps

                hopefully your ECS mobo will at least give you some of the highlights. but to be honest, you will be much happier with a decent modo. preferably once with an nforce2 chipset. your ram and cpu are fine, it is just that you got stuck with a really lousy mobo. Overclocking is probably going to be out of the question for now. but I know what it's like to be on an insanely tight budget so if you have to stick with your current setup we'll get you straightened out and at least get it stable at the right speeds :)

                EDIT: I did some googling on your mobo, i didn't realise there were so many ECS K7 varieties. If you can tell us which K& mobo you have, specificly, will help quite a bit. Some of them do not support the 166 mhz fsb required by the 2600+ and that could likely be why it is giving you problems at that speed. Also, have you tried to update your bios?


                • #9
                  Tjhis is all I can find thorugh my BIOS readings, and most stuff I can not edit myself, but.. that might be due to my BIOS version right? I might just update it...

                  Motherboard: ECS K7 L7S7A2
                  CPU: AMD XP 2000+ want to get upto 2600+
                  Memory: 512MB PC2700
                  Heatsink: Came with CPU thus I dunno
                  Cooling: 80 mm in back and front, and classic power unit fan


                  idle, 41C
                  load, 52C
                  gen., 45C

                  BIOS readings:
                  CPU Vcore Voltage: 1.632V
                  DDR Mem. Voltage: 2.496V
                  CPU Freq: 133 MHz.
                  DRAM Freq: 166MHz.
                  CPU/DRAM: [4:5]
                  DDR settings: Normal Mode


                  • #10
                    Jump into the BIOS and see if ya can increase the CPU voltage to 1.7-1.75v and the memory voltage to 2.6-2.7v plus bring the CPU/memory ratio to 1:1.


                    • #11
                      My BIOS didnt let me do that so I flashed it with chb127.rom bios and tried some bios editing.. I got my CPU to process at 2600 Mhz. but it still froze at times, not to mention I reached incredible temperautres between 90C - 170C! so I reflashed my bios with the original one.. And the heat went back to normal... I have serious doubts about that new BIOS I had flashed in though.. My heatsink didnt feel that much hotter..
                      So I'm still blank about this subject.. I think that I just need to find some better BIOS files that will let me edit the "real" stuff and not doubt me on temperature monitoring...

