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PC Config Keeps on Changing!

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  • PC Config Keeps on Changing!

    Is there a some kind of Programs that can detects on whether i have a faulty MOBO or a faulty HDD???

    My AMD PC is having loads and loads of problems. Everytime you start the PC, the config is keeps on changing. Sometimes it wont recognise my Optical Drives, Sometimes it just gives a Blue Screen saying error message and finally... when I try to plug something (like webcam for instance) it wont recognise by the Windows while my other Pentium PC does.

    I desperately Need your help, Im in a smashing my AMD box mood right now!! its taking a P88S!!!

    Oh yah... and the funny bit... I updated the windows, then when it reboots to complete the updates, its just like no updates happened.

  • #2
    is it overclocked?


    • #3
      Originally posted by kane2g
      is it overclocked?
      Nope! the crappy MOBO wont allow me.


      • #4
        Ya HDD manufacturer's site will have diagnostic software to test it. There's really nothin' for a mobo but have ya tried Memtest86?


        • #5
          A shot in the dark, is ya Bios battery ok? Keeping ya Bios settings ok)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wiggo
            Ya HDD manufacturer's site will have diagnostic software to test it. There's really nothin' for a mobo but have ya tried Memtest86?
            Oh great! thanks Wiggo for the Info.

            Memtest86? NO i havent, i'll try finding it see if that helps.

            thanks again... thanks also to those who reply to my post!


            • #7
              Originally posted by amd_man2003
              A shot in the dark, is ya Bios battery ok? Keeping ya Bios settings ok)
              I'm not really sure about that! but it should be alright coz I only have it for 3 to 4 months I guess.


              • #8
                I run memtest,,,, then the prog found loads of errors! i let the prog run 3 times then it found 3200 errors! thanks to wiggo for introucing me this prog.

                Now my AMD Box running fine! What i did to solve the prob is.. i bought new HDD and memory,,, an soon a new motherboard that will allow me full use the +2500 Barton .

                Once again thanks guys for replying!!! this forum helps a lot!


                • #9
                  I'm glad that ya found ya prob but b4 ya bought new memory ya should've tried increasin' the voltage to the memory 1st as this will usually stabilize it in most cases.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wiggo
                    I'm glad that ya found ya prob but b4 ya bought new memory ya should've tried increasin' the voltage to the memory 1st as this will usually stabilize it in most cases.
                    Yah,, but the crappy MOBO won't allow me to change the voltage etc.. etc.. and i dont why!!

                    Well.. em getting a new MOBO for that AMD Box of mine. So as soon as i got it I try wot you told me. Co'z at the moment the other Memory Stick isn't in use as everytime I plug it inn on the second memory slot, it gives me some error message.

                    thanks man!

