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Question about memory and harddrive

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  • Question about memory and harddrive

    Got a question. Does the harddrive spin when ur cpu is broken? I remember using a bad cpu in another rig, and the hard drive was spinning, but when i turned on my new rig, it wasn't spinning, which brings up the second question, does ur hard drive spin when ur memory not put in? or does it even post? so it might b that theres nothing wrong with my PROCESSOR woot!

  • #2
    This makes the 2nd thread of your's that doesn't belong in the overclockin' forum that I've had to move so pls make sure that ya post in the right forum for your question. :rolleyes2

    No ya HDD shouldn't work without the memory as the memory and CPU are the 1st things that have to be detected before the HDD so it'd error out b4 even lookin' for the HDD (well they never have for me that I can remember).


    • #3
      sry, i tend to only post there cuz its the only one that ppl go to... lol my bad won't happen again. So since thats true, my cpu might actually b ok WOOT , or it may b both... with the memory.... lol. only thought it might b memory cuz i think i jammed it into a motherboard that only uses sdram.... :hammer: P_P; yea.... well whatever with that, if it is the memory, how exactly do i return it since it has that 30 day refund and its too late, o but since i rma'd the motherboard i should b able to do the same for the memory right? but that was like 17 or 18 days ago... hmm Ideas? :wow:


      • #4
        If your dumb mistake ruined the stick of ram, why should you be entitled to a refund or exchange? Over the years, I've made a few mistakes and ruined hardware, but I just sucked it up and took it like a man. I don't need people running up the cost of doing business for venders that they will have to pass on to me. This may seem harsh, but I hear things like this all too often.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bum_squad
          sry, i tend to only post there cuz its the only one that ppl go to...
          you clearly don't visit here often or you would relaize that all of our forums get a regular attendence. Besides, if any single forum claimed the most attention it would be the BG.


          • #6
            Edit by Beefy: Oh, so you're poor and feel like abusing people? OK, I'll give you a gift. Here's a free ban. I hope you like it.


            • #7
              :wow:. im sorry that ur completely unable to respond to a post without immaturely flaming another member. while bigjack's post may have been a little harsh i do believe that most warranties will not cover damage to the product caused by your own error and there is no reason to respond to his post with racial slurs towards someone you know nothing about. I believe this deserves a smacktard nomination at the least. Just remember bum_squad, being a kid does not give you the right to act so inappropriately.

              edit: hehe looks like beefy was way ahead of me :thumb: i love having good mods :cheers:


              • #8
                yes i read it and it was inappropiate. and who said all americans are black? :confused:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bum_squad
                  Edit by Beefy: Oh, so you're poor and feel like abusing people? OK, I'll give you a gift. Here's a free ban. I hope you like it.
                  geeze, I missed all the fun again... :tears:


                  • #10
                    Oops, forgot to close this one down. :)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Beefy
                      Oops, forgot to close this one down. :)
                      But I see that ya eventually got around to it though but at least I won't have to move anymore of his threads to the appropriate forum. :D

