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Epox 8KRAI + barton = Big PROBLEM!

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  • Epox 8KRAI + barton = Big PROBLEM!

    Hi happy 2004 to all!!

    I bought yesterday EPOX 8KRAI, XP2500+ barton, and some cheap memory "LEAD" 512MB PC3200 (it turned out to be 256MB!!) and when I put everything together I set FSB to 200Mhz Vcore 1,75V Dimm 2,8V Ive set Timings to defauly(normall), I installed again drivers for my Sapphire Radeon 9500 64MB and tweaked it to Pro (8*1), I installed Hyperion 4in4 (not from Epox CD but one I downloaded 3 weeks ago), I installed dx9, and after launching 3D Mark 2001se I could not pass it. I raised Vcore to 1,775V and once I managed to pass it with score 13800 but never again I could pass it and computer hanged up when launching 1st test.

    I changed the FSB to 166 and same thing happened. Than to FSB 133 and same again. I changed memory stick to my old Elixir 512MB PC2100 and it would not help as well - 3D Mark threw me out at first test. Than I reinstalled the system and installed same drivers as before except Radeon driver - this time I installed original one. But no improovment. I changed the CPU to my old AXP 1700@2000 AGOIA (133x12,5) but nothing. I cant pass 3d mark any more. What is going one. Should I install original drivers from Epox cd instead of new Hyperion 4in1??? or is something wrong with my EPOX?? PS the top Temperature I got on barton FSB200 Vcore 1,775 was 57 C.

    Thanks alot in advance for Help!!!!

  • #2
    Ok, two things to start with.

    #1 Your memory is probably junk and cant handle any sort of substantial overclock.

    #2 What Power supply are you using, that could be a big problem too.

    Also, when you overclock, go a little bit at a time. First, get everything running at default speed (we all do this, trust me) and then run the benchmarks. If everything looks good, bump up your FSB a bit, 5 mhz say, then run all your benchs. Keep going to you hit a ceiling with those voltages, then up the voltage a little, check your temps, and keep going. If the memory is DDR333 and its crap, I dont think you'll see 200FSB. Get your full system specs up and we can help you more.



    • #3
      Thanks. I must say I am a bit affraid to set FSB between default supported of my board as VIA has no PCI clocks locked like ie Nforce.
      However I have to say that I played yesterday for a few long hours and I think I solved the problem.

      I installed the barton again, reinstalled winXP SP1 and installed original drivers from Epox and Sapphire CD, I only did not install DX9 and I passes the 3dmark2001se at both FSB166 and FSB200!! than I tweaked the ATI driver with rivatuner and 3dmarek crashed!! I p[layed with the drivers for about 3 hours and finally I managed to tweak and install an ATI driver that unlocked 4 pipeines on my radeon and I could pass 3DMark2001se with score of 13700 (default Timings). I never had a problem with my Radeon before??? I hope that after I install DX9 the system wont crash???!! i will aso have to test it with Prime95.....
      PS what do you think about my 3dmark2001se (13700) score concidering that my BIOS was set to Default values and all timings to normal. My GPU Sapphire Radeon 9500 64MB
      Also I have ony 256MB RAM at this moment!!!


      • #4
        If that mobo's KT400 your lucky to be getting a 200mhz FSB


        • #5
          Actually its a KT600 but it sounds like a heat and possiblely PSU prob.

