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New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

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  • #31
    Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

    I wonder when corbinator is going to give us an update as to whether or not his xp worked when he tried an install with the other older processor. I really hope that changing my cpu isn't the solution to my problem because I can't afford to do that right now. Also I hope that this thread doesn't die so that maybe someone who has had a similar problem and solved it would find this thread and make a helpful post.



    • #32
      Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

      I have a very similar problem. PC crashed (well actually the screen just went blank (but still powered - lovely silver grey it was!) and now won't boot - starts to do so, says the usual, Windows failed to start do you want safe mode etc and if you pick start normally it just reboots again back to the same place.

      Picking safe mode it starts to load up the drivers but reboots after mup.sys.

      Tried the emergency boot cd that came with the machine and it hangs at the same point as outlined in this thread. Also tried my previously reliable Ultimate Boot CD 4 and that starts to load but freezes at the point that the GUI would start up - just says please wait but CD stops spinning and nothing happens.

      Ultimate Boot CD3 (which is a Dos type one) boots ok and all the tests show my components working fine - HDD checks out and memory.

      The CPU moving to 32 bit processing explanation might make sense but the PC won't even boot to safe mode, command line prompt which I wouldn't expect to use 32 bit (?).

      Any ideas welcomed - I don't want to fdisk the HDD as, although backed up fairly recently there is some new stuff on there that I don't want to lose - and I can see it all on there, just without access to CD burning software (oh for Ultimate Boot CD 4 to work!!) to save it.


      • #33
        Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

        I had the same thing happen to me but I have a Celeron PC. My PC will load Win 2K without a hitch. I'm wondering if the common problem might have something to do with the chipset and XP. My board has a Via chipset. Also, after talking to some peoplle they suggested trying different RAM and see if that changes anything.

        Just some ideas.


        • #34
          Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

          If XP is lockin up at this stage of the setup it has to be some type of issue with your hardware. You may want to try this during setup - ensure nothing unnecessary is connected the the tower. During this point along the bottom of the screen it should say "Press F6 to load third party SCSI/RAID Drivers" - When you see this Press F7 - a couple of times... Yes I really mean F7- This will load a standard HAL instead of ACPI. This may allow you to load the OS, and then you can find out more about why you cant load an ACPI HAL during setup. Another thing you may want to try is to boot off a Win 98 floppy disk that has smartdrv.exe and xcopy.exe. on it, create a partition on your hard drive , then copy the i386 folder from the Win XP CD to the hard drive. You can do a search for the Win98 floppy,smartdrv and xcopy online or try - After you create the partition- run smartdrv.exe from the floppy. Then type xcopy {cd drive}<CD Drive><CD drive>:\i386 c: and hit enter. Now you can run the XP setup from the hard drive and eliminate the CD or CD ROM from being the issue. Browse to the C:\i386 folder and run the file called winnt32.exe . This will start the install without the cd only the hard drive. Please reply back to let me know if this was any help. If you need anything explained more clearly Id be happy, and also let me know.. if I do not fully understand the problem you are having.
          Last edited by v-2mimat; 03-28-2005, 04:45 PM.


          • #35
            Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

            I finally got windows xp to install without a hitch after nearly a year and a half of doing battle with the damned system! :D

            For those of you who haven't read the earlier posts, I have an Asus A7N8X-Deluxe Motherboard w/ an AMD XP 2600+ setup. In any case, my solution was that I turned off some power setting in the BIOS (can't remember the name right now) that a buddy of mine (who has the same motherboard) told me was known to cause problems with my mobo for some reason. I also disabled SATA on my mobo by changing the little jumper switch (since i don't have SATA Hdd's) and presto! it works. I must say that windows xp is SO MUCH BETTER than the win 98SE i was forced to run on my poor comp for all that time. I have been running xp for a month and haven't had a crash or system lockup yet (whereas 98 would cause one almost each day). Thanks everyone for all your help and to all you with the same problem installing 2k and xp, you have my sympathy, and I hope this works for you. I'll post again w/ the name of the setting i disabled in the BIOS later.



            • #36
              Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

              Man, I have the exact same problem! Although I have a different MotherB (DFI AK75-EC), and with a WD HDD 200 Gb.

              What was your solution?!?
              Last edited by Monstruoso; 05-11-2005, 06:06 PM.


              • #37
                Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP



                • #38
                  Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

                  Bloody caps. :(


                  • #39
                    Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

                    Sorry About The Capitals, I Didn't Intend To Offend.
                    I Got The Problem Solved Anyway. And I'd Like To Thank You For The
                    Help I'm Sure That You Would Have Given Me.


                    • #40
                      Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

                      OMG! I have the exact same prob! same mobo & have 2800+ barton! Help!! what did you switch off!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #41
                        Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

                        Heh, I said i would eventually post the name of that setting, and true to my word, here it is... He turned off ACPI in my bios. So sorry for not posting that months ago :`( In any case, i have been doing battle once again trying to get my machine to be a dual boot with xp /fedora core 4 linux and i must say that has been quite an ordeal --I accidentally destroyed my MBR and hard drive partition table, effectively nuking xp :P -- causing me to reinstall my OS(es) many, many times. I'll check back on this board in a week to see if there is any response or any more questions. Once again, I am sorry to leave you guys just hanging there.



                        • #42
                          Re: New AMD Machine Won't Install XP

                          Wow! sorry guys, I forgot all about this thread, and actually haven't been around the forums at all, looks to be about a year now. My machine is still running strong with the 2500+ that I had working before, so I didn't bother messing with any more settings. If it ain't broke, don't fix it; right?

                          Now I'm actually having an issue with my new Pentium D machine, but that will be a new post.

