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Comp crashes when stood vertical

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  • Comp crashes when stood vertical

    I removed my coolmaster fan today to add some new heatsink to it, after re-applying it and letting it dry i put it back on and started up my comp, to my amazement it didnt work. Ive struggled with it all day and finially put it horizontal to find it works (how ive managed to post) - but whenever i put it back to its vertical position is crashes and doesnt reboot.... any ideas?

    ive attempted to remove the fan but find that the cpu is sticking to the fan and coming off of the mobo coming away from it, but the cpu doesnt appear to be damanged as i can use the comp fine when its on its side

    please help!

  • #2


    • #3
      Re: Comp crashes when stood vertical

      How heavy is the heatsink, it may be pulling the processor out of its socket a bit and not connecting with a few pins...

      Or like Rody siad it my be problem with the heatsink not sitting right.

      Both these problems would be fixed with putting it on its side, I suggest you take it off(carefully) and reapply the thermal grease if you have some left...

