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Loading Windows XP on new machine

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  • Loading Windows XP on new machine


    I have just taken the plunge and had a machine custom built minus windows which I thought I could install myself, but Im now pulling my hair out!!!!

    I set the bios to boot from the cd but it just wont have any of it , is this the right way to do this? , the cd I have is fairly scratched but is a legit one from my old pc Im wondering if this is the problem.
    any help would be very wellcome!!!



    [email protected]

  • #2
    Re: Loading Windows XP on new machine

    Your old PC , from which you received your current Windows XP CD, wouldn't have been one of those OEM types (Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway, etc...) would it? If so, then that CD is more likely to be an hard drive image than an installable version of XP. If that is indeed the case, then that disk will not install XP on your new hardware. You will need to obtain stock XP CD and attempt to install Windows with it.

    If you are curious just too see if your PC will boot off a CD, you could always download and burn a bootable Linux iso.


    • #3
      Re: Loading Windows XP on new machine

      thanks for the reply, no its a bog standard normal XP cd, I guess I might have to shell out for a new one, sounds like the cd is knackered!!

      anyone have any tips on the cheapest place to obtain said cd?


