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Main Rig wont POST! Help!

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  • Main Rig wont POST! Help!

    My Main Rig gone beserk! Mayday! Mayday!

    I am currently using the internet using my crippled laptop and assembled a makeshift system of my own. This is because my Main Rig (see the specs on my signature) wont work.

    I cleaned the system last night. You know, routine maintainence. Cleaned out everything, as usual. It never happened before, but when i reassembled everything, i pushed the power button, the fans spin, HDD works, CD Drives work, but the board wont go POST. The HDD light is always on. The power light is off.

    It is not ESD, i used every measure to dicharge ESD, I Stay still, wear light clothing, ground myself, wrist straps, etc.

    Any ideas? I checked for loose connections, but nothing. I cleaned out the contacts of the RAM and GFX card and Modem, nothing. Reseated the Pentium 4, nothing. Cleared the CMOS, nothing. Removed the shiny circle battery on the board, wait 1 hour, then battery back, nothing.

    Please, if you have any solutions or ideas, please reply. I would thank you in advance. My makeshift will not hold longer, so please, help me.

  • #2
    Re: Main Rig wont POST! Help!

    Originally posted by Aguiluz View Post
    .......The HDD light is always on. The power light is off.......
    Sounds like the the LED's are wired incorrectly.

    Check all your wiring to ensure it is correct and firmly seated, if the wiring is OK then go back to the basics - HDD, cpu, ram, video card and try booting.

    Sounds like a simple incorrect reassembly problem to me
    E8600@ 4.25GHz~Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme~Foxconn Blackops~4GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1625 at 1700MHz (8-8-8-24-2N) 1.916v~Asus 9800GTX~18x Pioneer 212 DL SATA DVD-RW~320GB WD SATAII~Antec True Power Trio 650W~Thermaltake Soprano~Vista Ultimate x64 SP2/Win7 RC1


    • #3
      Re: Main Rig wont POST! Help!

      No POST beeps? Make sure the case speaker is wired correctly.

      It does indeed sound like the front panel is not wired correctly.


      • #4
        Not yet..

        No, I even switched LED the connectors. Now the blue is always on. No video on the screen. Dissassemble, then reassemble. It wont beep. I tried the bootstrap method: strip it down, removed the CD Drives and the GFX card, and plugged the monitor to the integrated graphics. Then again, no video appears on screen. Maybe it is time to bring the PC to the shop. Shucks, I even might have killed it accidentally.

        I pressed the keys on the keyboard since it looked like it was on standby.

        And, oh, i noticed something on the LGA 755 socket: The pins look weird to me. They are not bent or damaged, but can someone please post a clear pic of the socket so i compare them to mine, Just in case?

        The CPU does feel hot to the touch when i turned it on, as if it is idling, so i think it still works.


        • #5
          Re: Main Rig wont POST! Help!

          Sounds like a dead motherboard to me.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Yawgm0th View Post
            Sounds like a dead motherboard to me.
            (Sighs) I think it is time to get a new board.


            • #7
              Re: Main Rig wont POST! Help!

              Generic 325W PSU on OCed system? I'd replace that regardless of whether the board is bad. It could have been the cause.

              How can you survive on 256MB of RAM?


              • #8
                Re: Main Rig wont POST! Help!

                Originally posted by Yawgm0th View Post
                Generic 325W PSU on OCed system? I'd replace that regardless of whether the board is bad. It could have been the cause.

                How can you survive on 256MB of RAM?
                Okay.... Maybe my "stock computer o/c" project wasnt a good idea. Damn, i pushed my luck too much. I actually got everything O/C'd before it failed when i cleaned it. How do you check the PWR_GOOD signal on the ATX power connector?

                As for the 256MB of outdated DDR 400 ram, heh, I actually get and try to live with it. Cant afford another stick, not even another 128MB or 64MB. I even play Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne and (favorite) NFS: Most Wanted on that measly 256. Cant play anything else, due to that 256!

                Load times were ridiculous. Waiting for 5 minutes for MW to load and 3 mins for a race to load and the FPS was like, an average of 12 FPS. Warcraft 3 rocks even with some lags. MW hates the AA and AF, and even the settings were like ground zero, it maxxes out at 20 FPS. Sucks, really.

                When I play DotA Allstars, there were some moments where the PC would 'freeze' for a few seconds and when it resumes, I discovered that i have been killed by the AIs during the lag! Cant even control Arc Honist (my character, a Dragon) because when the lag kicks in, the hero automatically engages a nearby enemy. Thats why i get too close and the Dragon gets killed.

                Ow, I wished i won the SLI giveaway, but I better do better (I rarely say "better luck") next time.
                Last edited by Aguiluz; 03-20-2007, 09:45 AM. Reason: Mispellings fix

