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Too far overclock

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  • Too far overclock


    I have a 8400 GS videocard in my PC. I was overclocking it with Rivatuner, bit by bit. When I restarted my PC, the colours looked weird, but windows was fully loaded. except for the thing that I can't do anything with my mouse or keyboard. it do shows sometime a houreglass next to my cursor, so the PC is not completely frozen...

    It's not an overheating problem because it's 1 day ago and it still doesn't work. I also removed all the dust (not much because the PC is not that old).

    someone can help me?

    thanks in forward, bart

  • #2
    Re: Too far overclock

    Well you cant say it is not a overheating issue with the title of your post

    So what are you saying now? You cant load windows properly at all, or you cant underclock the card back to where it should be?

    If you cant do either, reboot into Safe Mode and Uninstall the Drivers via Device manager then uninstall Rivatuner and reboot back into windows and you should be ok. Then reinstall it all and of course this time be careful.

    If you have no luck with that you definitely could have fried your card, it only takes one bad try


    • #3
      Re: Too far overclock

      windows does load properly. but it's showing weird colours (still able to see everything) plus it's sort of freezed, because I can't click anything or do anything with my keyboard. I already tried to get in safe mode, but when I boot my PC, it only says Esc, f10 and f11.


      • #4
        Re: Too far overclock

        Safe mode is not an advertised feature. It is a diagnostic tool for techs who need to get into the system without all the driver conflicts and such, so even though your screen will not say "HIT F8 TO ENTER SAFE MODE", the Safe Mode entry method should work just fine.
        Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
        My Toys


        • #5
          Re: Too far overclock

          woooo thanks! I got into safe mode (had to press f8 repeadly) and I turned off rivatuner in msconfig so it would not start up when i boot my pc. everything is good now, thanks alot!


          • #6
            Re: Too far overclock

            Glad to see your card is ok and your pc is now usable. Next time dont overclock so far as you know now!!!

            Good Luck!

