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need help finding whats cousing a problem

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  • need help finding whats cousing a problem

    ok to start at the beginning

    about a year ago i bought a xfx 7950 GT, this card had a passive cooling which as some might know just plain doese not work :P

    the first week or so i tryed with the passive kooling often finding the card running 80-98 (98 was the last recorded temp before the screen froze) degree's then i put a 90mm casefan on top of the cool ribs and it never got over 68 degree's so the problem was solved.

    however it seems that the few hours of running at those high temp's has damaged the card, often if i watch downloaded movies on my tv through the TV out the screen wil get realy messed up with no possible way to fix it untill i reboot. this is just becouse the card is in someway damaged maby becouse of the high temps maby i just got one of the crappier one's i dont know.

    recently i've been blessed with yet another seemingly gfx card related bug

    wile playing games (fyi the weird screen stuff only happend wile watching vids never ever wile playing games) i've had that games lockup for 1-2 sec and just when im about to hit my pc's resetswitch they continue like nothing happend, appart from that i sometimes have that my screen go's black for a verry short time also only wile gaming.

    now i was woundering, my instinkt tells me that this is my gfx card slowly dieing. however i wanted a second oppinion with the question could this also be a PSU problem?

    i dont realy know what happens if a system doesnt get enough power... i thought/think it would just suddenly turn off but seeing how i've never experienced or seen anything like that i wouldnt realy know.

    so i hope someone could shed some light on this problem and the fear that my psu needs replacing :P


  • #2
    Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

    An underpowered PSU or a driver issue could cause teh same issues you are experiencing. I too have started having some of the blackout issues you mention, but only with Blizzard games and only since I upgraded to a 22" Samsung monitor. I'm guessing a conflict between the monitor drivers and the system, but it is only with the Blizzard games so it could be some sort of crappy coding that is causing the conflict.

    I have seen some other troubleshooters indicate it is an underpowered 12v rail so this may be the case in your box, but I don't think it will be my issue since I am running a very hefty power supply.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

      hmmm this is a creepy coincidence... i havent realy noticed but actualy... my problems also started after i updated my 17" lcd POS to a 22" samsung >.< or alteast the ingame problems, the tv out problem has been gooing on for weeks :P

      but a underpowerd 12V line would seem possible seeing as my PSU is a 450W which is 6 years old and been running 24/7 for atleast 4 of those years : /


      • #4
        Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

        That's not a PSU anymore, it is a live hand grenade that is poised to go off and take out the rest of your system with it. I am not saying that it is for sure your issue, but I would not even turn that PC on with that thing in there.

        As for the graphics issues, sounds like some bad codecs for the movies and possible driver/power issues for games.
        GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
        AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
        Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
        Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
        Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
        PC P&C 500W PSU
        2TB Seagate
        Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


        • #5
          Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

          the movie bit isnt a codec trust me on this :P

          it only happens wile playing movies usualy after 30m or 6 hours of playing them but the screen on my computer also gets messed up... for instance the mouse is a big realy messed up square :P about 8 times as wide en 3 times as high as the normal mouse pointer.


          • #6
            Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

            damn gotta dubbelpost to add this info... what ever happend to the edit button T.T

            anyway the psu is a Thermaltake Purepower which has...Protections against Over Power, Short-Circuit, Over-current, Overload, and Over-temperature or so the box says :P

            for now i'll hope one of those thing will catch a overvolt or something so it wont blow up my computer :P


            • #7
              Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

              whoot a triple post :P

              anyway i seem to have solved my hanging/blackscreen problem

              seems like the summer temperature was just messing with my oc, just set the cpu from 3.15Ghz to 3.0 and memory from 933 to 900 and havent had a problem since... could still be a power problem couse my cpu is now using less power then it did.... ow well i'll find out in 2 weeks ^^ got a GTX 260 comming in and then need about 50W more then a 7950 GT ^^


              • #8
                Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

                Again, there is NO WAY that I would trust that power supply. Thermaltake power supplies are OK at best and a 4+ year old one run nearly 24/7 is just a major problem waiting to happen.
                GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
                AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
                Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
                Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
                Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
                PC P&C 500W PSU
                2TB Seagate
                Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


                • #9
                  Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

                  well i finaly after 3 weeks of waiting for it >.> got my GTX 260 and it works :D with my 6yo 460W TT psu... that doesnt mean im keeping it that way new cm 620W psu sould arive tomorow... but still nice to see that this 6yo psu can still bring up the power needed by this rig :

                  processor : Intel C2D E6600 @3.0Ghz >in sync with memory
                  memory :ocz reaper @750Mhz 4-3-3-15
                  motherbord : asus P5N-D
                  HD : 500MB samsung spinpoint
                  gfx : MSI Geforce 260GTX
                  and the basic other stuff
                  dvd drive
                  sound card
                  extra network card couse the onbord is busted
                  and 4 120mm led fans and a 90mm led fan

                  but this kinda means the 500W minimum is says on the box is bullcrap doesn't it?

                  ps 260gtx drivers suck i miss the full screen video on my good old tv :'(


                  • #10
                    Re: need help finding whats cousing a problem

                    yeah the minimum power recommendation they have on the boxes is always bull**** tho... they're based on really stressed systems running old power hungry processors... they're really a worst case scenario... but still i wouldnt run a 260 with under 600W

                    btw you should have waited a few days with that order and got a new GTX 260 Core 216 which'll only run you about $280 US... only came out this tuesday

