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Multiple failures before computer starts

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  • Multiple failures before computer starts

    When I attempt to start my computer using the power button on the front of my case, it generally takes me several attempts before it works - I'll explain:

    Always, the red "loading" light will come on and then one of three things will happen:

    1. Power will click off (the light goes off, I hear a click as if I were restarting), and the computer will attempt to restart. It gets stuck in this loop where the loading light comes on, it restarts, loading light comes on, it restarts, etc. Generally I have to turn off the power switch on my power supply because the power button on the front of the case doesn't do anything.

    2. Once the red loading light comes on, the green "power" light will NOT come one, and setup will stall. It sits there for a second, and then I hear either my video card or my cpu fan come on full power and it will stay like that until I turn the power off and try again. Hitting the reset or power button on my case usually doesn't work.

    1. if it starts up normally, then the green "power" light will come on, and windows will load just fine. Once windows has started, it never resets or freezes - the problem only occurs when I'm trying to start my computer after it's been turned off.

    I had my cpu mildly overclocked (c2d e6300 @ 2.1 or something thereabouts) and when this problem first occurred I turned it back down to 1.86. I've tried various combinations for:
    cpu voltage
    fsb termination voltage
    (G)MCH voltage
    memory voltage

    and I have run into this problem no matter what clock speeds I try as well. Nothing seemed to make any positive or negative difference. Again, once I get past the initial startup, I have never had any crashing or rebooting or overheating problems.

    One other interesting this is that whenever I successfully start after encountering this error, the loading screen that normally checks the hardware and quickly moves on to windows will read: CPU SETTINGS CHANGED, and gives me the option of going into BIOS to fix it. Every time I have done this, I haven't noticed anything different in the settings. I've reset things to factory defaults and I still get this message after an error.

    My computer is:
    c2d e6300 @ 1.86 gHz
    8800 GTS 640MB (1st generation)
    4 gigs ram: 2 gigs of gskill and 2 of... corsair I believe. Both ddr2 800.
    My motherboard is a BIOSTAR with the p965 chipset. I can't really remember the exact model.
    one Western Digital 250gb SATA drive
    500 or 600w psu (again I can't remember). Never had any problems with insufficient power since I built the machine in 2006.

    My instincts are power supply or motherboard issues. But since the problem occurs several times before each successful startup, but once it's started it runs flawlessly, I'm not really sure what to think.

    Anyone with advice or similar experiences would be much appreciated, thank you.

  • #2
    Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

    I would say you have a ram issue and possibly the ram voltage is not set high enough. TONS of P965 motherboards do not give proper voltage to the ram and will cause the issue you are seeing. Try upping the voltage to 1.9V in bios and see what happens. Also, try running just one set of ram since mis-matched ram can also do this.
    GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
    AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
    Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
    Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
    Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
    PC P&C 500W PSU
    2TB Seagate
    Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


    • #3
      Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

      You should also NEVER Mix ram sticks, especially different brands as said above. I would also add some MCH voltage, and set trfc (Refresh to Act) to 52-65

      Both of those ram may need 2.1V to run stable or around 2.0V what is on the stickers?


      • #4
        Re: Multiple failures before computer starts


        My computer won't start anymore. I'm fairly certain it's either the motherboard or the processor that's causing issues.

        I've tested the video card, RAM, hard drive, and power supply in another computer and they don't cause any problems.

        Here's what's weird:

        I bought a processor to replace my old one, to see if this replacement would fix the problem. I plugged everything in and ended up with the same error I've been getting to this point: hdd LED light stays red, no beeps, no BIOS, video card fans hit maximum and it just hangs there with the red LED. Sometimes, the power clicks off and it reboots on its own. So, I figure the motherboard must be the problem.

        I bought a quality motherboard and plugged everything in. This time, it booted up - at this point, I'm using all my old hardware except for this new motherboard. I dont' want to install all the drivers for this new mobo since ordering online will save me some decent money.

        I order a new motherboard online and return the one I bought. However, the mobo i ordered just arrived and after putting everything together, I'm getting the SAME error I was getting previously... If a faulty motherboard was the problem, then either the one I ordered has an identical problem (not likely) or both my CPU and motherboard are screwed up and the successful reboot was just a lucky chance.

        I'm hesitant to replace both the cpu and the mobo if I can avoid it, but I'm stumped. I thought the motherboard was faulty since it booted up once on a new mobo, but now with the latest replacement I'm getting an identical error.


        • #5
          Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

          If you are still using mixed ram, STOP

          Does the board you have now support your CPU with the BIOS it is using? A 965 board will likely need the latest BIOS if you are using a Newer CPU


          • #6
            Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

            I've tried every combination of RAM available. In fact, removing the RAM altogether makes no difference; I get the same startup failure.

            I'm unable to do anything in BIOS because it won't even get to that point. I hit the power button, the red hdd LED comes on, and I hear my video card fan go to maximum and it stalls there.

            However, the motherboard I bought should definitely be compatible with my cpu w/o needing any updates; I have a first-generation core 2 duo that's 2 years old and the motherboard I ordered online is an asus p5b. Also, like I said before, I can't even get into BIOS in the first place.

            I'm going to fry's again today to pick up another motherboard and another cpu so I can just mix and match til something works again.


            • #7
              Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

              You bought a new board and still have the same BIOS issue? I guess I missed that a minute ago and thought you were still testing the old one as well as a new. But I guess I missed that they both error the same way

              Please when you are trying things use only one stick of ram in slot one

              Have you ever cleared the CMOS on either board, if not do so by unplugging the PSU from the wall and putting a HD or optical Jumper on the clear CMOS pins and let the board sit for 20+ minutes. Then remove the jumper, put in one stick of ram in slot one and try to start the system. You should get a checksum error on reboot, maybe not though as it does not always happen. Either way if you get it to boot and load the BIOS, choose optimized defaults and save/apply and reboot again

              Good luck, If your P5b is givin you the exact error as your BIOstar your CPU may very well be damaged. Dont worry Intel RMA's them as long as you did not kill it on purpose

              If you need the Intel RMA info let me know.

              No older 775 cpu you can get out of a old PC at home, or a friends old oen to test these boards with?


              • #8
                Re: Multiple failures before computer starts

                please tell me you dont have Legacy USB Support enabled (it doesnt sound like you do... but maybe)... if you do, DISABLE IT!!! If you cant get into the BIOS to do this, remove any USB devices and use a good old fashion PS/2 keyboard for the BIOS setup... this is probably not your problem, but its worth suggesting...

                what it really sounds like is a bad CPU or socket (probably power supply pins)

