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CUV4X-E Problem installing OS

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  • CUV4X-E Problem installing OS

    I recently bought the ASUS CUV4X-E motherboard from ebay and
    I'm having problems installing win98 and winxp on it.
    I flashed the bios up to the most recent and still win98 and winxp hang during the installation process. I'm sure it's some kind of
    compatibility problem or maybe I bought a defective board.
    I'm using a p3 866, 512megs ram and a asus v6800 video card. Can someone help????

  • #2
    Try removing all your cards and just leave the vid card in there.
    Install Windows XP, then add the cards one-by-one.

    Windows has some 'issues' with nVidia cards during install.


    • #3
      Also make sure that the antivirus protection in the BIOS is disabled, Asus boards have it enabled by default and it can screw with OS installs.


      • #4
        Ok, I tried pullin out everything and I even tried another vid card and another hard drive. Still no'll copy files durin the install but it won't go any further than that, after copyin, the install says it has to reboot so it does that and before it can go back into the install procedure, it freezes...blank screen wiht my cursor in the top left corner....
        I tried disabling the bios antivirus too and it still doesn't help....
        any other ideas? I tried a different Power supply too.....


        • #5
          So it gets through the first part of the install then fails after reboot - do you get no sign of the OS at all? If so your master boot record might be buggered. If you are running off a 98 boot disk, you can type "fdisk /mbr" to reset the MBR to default. It won't delete anything, but you will probably have to run setup again.


          • #6
            No, it doesn't get to the OS at all....I tried what you said, the
            fdisk /mbr and it didn't work. Now I get this msg:

            While initializing devicd VTD:
            Windows Protection error. You need to restart your computer

            Everytime I boot up i get that msg now....sigh...
            I'm gettin really frustrated with this board. Do you think
            the mobo might be defective?


            • #7
              Try getting the latest BIOS, see if that makes any difference. Otherwise, if you are getting those kind of errors before setup completes that points to either incompatible components or faulty gear (mobo or RAM are most likely)

