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Another freezing problem

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  • Another freezing problem

    Hi all new member here. Hope I'm posting this in the correct place, I've been having a problem with games and other programs either freezing and/or crashing requiring a hard reboot. If I'm lucky I can alt-tab-del out of it. But that depends on the application. Certain games that freeze I will get odd colours all over the screen, I can still see some of whatever I was playing or using, but it looks like an explosion in a paint factory! Still get sound if music was playing, but it loops eventually.

    Problem started when my nVidia 8800's ram went defective. Was thinking of upgrading anyway so I opted for the nVidia 9800gtx+. It's installed now but I'm not sure what to think of it, as some things work, and some don't. It's weird, I had no problems before the 8800 went bust.

    Anyway here are my specs atm:

    Intel core 2 duo E6600
    The nVidia 9800gtx+ 512mb
    3gb DDR2 ram.
    150gb hd
    250gb SATA hd
    BDrom drive

    I have a dual-boot system using VistaBOOtPro. One HD is vista which I use for the net, and the other one is XP, which I use for gaming and is not connected to the net.

    Things I have done and tried:

    1. Drivers are all up-to-date, on everything. The first thing I did.

    2. Blasted all components with a can of compressed air to get rid of any dust.

    3. Improved air flow inside the case by moving the wires around. It's a lot better now.

    4. Moved the soundcard down a few slots as it was directly under the graphics cards fan, that could not have helped air flow!

    I definately think it is not overheating, testing games like FEAR 2 (Which worked, I was able to play a whole level) it barely even got warm.

    Dead Space, Guild Wars, FEAR 2 are the games I've tested so far which haven't had this issue....yet. (prays) GTA SA has the freezing, weird colours on screen issue, as does Fallout 3, requiring hard reboot. And UFO Afterlight crashes but am able to alt-tab-del out of that one.

    Since I don't think it's drivers or overheating, I read on other forums it might either be virtual memory (which is set to computer controlled), corrupted ram, (how can it be if some games work ok) not enough power, PSU is 600 watts which was enough for my 8800, can't be that surely, can't be that much difference in power requirements for the two cards??

    I'm about ready to throw in the towel and buy a console, and I'd rather not do that!

    Any help/suggestions would be greatly GREATLY appreciated.

    Edit: One other thing not sure if related, I can see an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle on the taskbar in the bottom right. Nothing comes up when I hover my mouse over it and it will not go away.
    Last edited by Freds1; 04-18-2009, 06:55 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Another freezing problem

    That last comment you made it probably the answer. That Exclamation mark is probably bindows telling you that your display driver has stopped responding and has suckcessfully recovered. Answer = ATI. I had the exact same issues. Changed ram changed everything still did it with my 8800GT Fallout 3 would play for 3 hours or 3 minutes and frak up like yours is. It is possible and sounds quite probable that you have a dying card as the "explosion in a paint factory" or artifacts are a good sign of that. How long have you had this video card? If not long send it back and get a HD4850 or better. I got a HD4850 to replace my 8800GT and OMG its so much better and have not have one problem since. 600Watts should surely be enough juice for the card it would think. May be the minimum but if you having problems with programs as well i would think its not a power thing. Next time tell us what Motherboard your running in your specs it can be useful. You can also run Memtest for several passes on your ram to isolate that as a problem but id say dead card get ATI. $50 Bucks says that will fix it.
    Lian Li PC-7F Chassis Black
    Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 MB (Rev. 1.1 BIOS v.F8c)
    Gigabyte ODIN GT 800Watt PSU
    Intel Core2Quad Q9550 E0 @ 3.4Ghz @ 1.25vcore
    Noctua NH-U12P + AS5
    G.Skill 2X2GB F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK
    2 X ATI Radeon HD4850 512MB (Crossfired)
    Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA IPS
    2 X 1TB Seagate 7200.11 in RAID 1
    Pioneer DVR216 SATA DVD MultiDrive
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)
    Gigabyte Poseidon Chassis
    Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 (Rev. 1.0 BIOS v.F9)
    ASUS Artic Square CPU Cooling with AS5
    Thermaltake TR2 RX 550Watt PSU
    Intel Core2Duo E8500 E0 @ 3.8Ghz @ 1.25vcore
    Corsair 2 X 2Gb XMS2 PC6400C5 DDR2
    NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512MB
    1 X Seagate 1TB 7200.12 + Seagate 750GB 7211.11
    Sony SATA DVD MultiDrive
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)


    • #3
      Re: Another freezing problem

      The 9800 is brand new, to replace the 8800 that went bust, defective ram. But I think you are right about ATI, the amount of complaints I've read about nVidia and similar issues people have had and horror stories is incredible.

      I'm not sure the card is dying as other games work perfectly well, but I'm certainly no expert. Just finished a 2 hour Guild Wars game no problem. If it is then the store I bought it from has a lot to answer for. But at least since I bought it only a few days ago I can probably get a refund and go for an ATI card. Before I did that though I'd just want to make sure there's nothing else I could do.

      I've always gone with nVidia but I think it's time to jump ship.

      The motherboard is Intel P965+ICH8 P965T-A. Not sure if that's the way to describe it, never had to before.

      Thanks for the reply.


      • #4
        Re: Another freezing problem

        Also try maybe updating the BIOS to the latest. Its can sometimes help. As for brand new. Well, I got a Brand new 8800GT had similar stuff happen, got a new bigger PSU same thing, then oneday after about a month of me pulling my hair out it just didnt ever display a picture again and the fan would stay @ 100% on boot up so I knew then it was time to RMA it. Did that, got the second card it lasted about a week. The Third card has lasted just over a year before it has crapped out doing exactly what u are discribing. I spent the last couple of months trying every OS from XP to windows 7 both 32bit and 64bit trying to get ArmA: Armed Assault and Fallout 3 to run without the Yellow triangle exclamation mark crash with no luck. I like just over a week ago got a new ATI HD4850, and omg everything works perfectly and it S.H.I.T.S over the 8800/9800 no worries. So mate just take it back ASAP within a month they should just give you your money back or let you swap it for another one. After a month is will have to go back t the manifacture for testing. Even if its not the cause of your problem id be swapping it for a HD4850 atleast. Its a better card. Shouldnt be anymore expensive and just works a treat. Ive always been an NVIDIA man ever since 3Dfx went to crap after Voodoo 3's so the change to ATI was a big thing for me. Mate Im never looking back.
        Last edited by NimrodAUS; 04-18-2009, 10:13 PM.
        Lian Li PC-7F Chassis Black
        Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 MB (Rev. 1.1 BIOS v.F8c)
        Gigabyte ODIN GT 800Watt PSU
        Intel Core2Quad Q9550 E0 @ 3.4Ghz @ 1.25vcore
        Noctua NH-U12P + AS5
        G.Skill 2X2GB F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK
        2 X ATI Radeon HD4850 512MB (Crossfired)
        Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA IPS
        2 X 1TB Seagate 7200.11 in RAID 1
        Pioneer DVR216 SATA DVD MultiDrive
        Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)
        Gigabyte Poseidon Chassis
        Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 (Rev. 1.0 BIOS v.F9)
        ASUS Artic Square CPU Cooling with AS5
        Thermaltake TR2 RX 550Watt PSU
        Intel Core2Duo E8500 E0 @ 3.8Ghz @ 1.25vcore
        Corsair 2 X 2Gb XMS2 PC6400C5 DDR2
        NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512MB
        1 X Seagate 1TB 7200.12 + Seagate 750GB 7211.11
        Sony SATA DVD MultiDrive
        Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)


        • #5
          Re: Another freezing problem

          Yeah it's looking that way.

          Last night I tried taking out the card and my ram and securely putting them back again, as well as leaving the side panel off. Also a large fan I use in summer blowing over it. Same problem, so cannot be overheating or installed incorrectly.

          Couple of other odd things, changed the resolution on a game that seemingly works, crashed. Rebooted, tried again and it worked. Inserted a film dvd to watch and it froze when it autorun the disk.

          Anyway I've got all day to test out a few more games and programs to see what works and what doesn't.

          Just wondering if those games that don't work don't like hardware changes? Like they're still looking for the old card or something. Lol I dunno clutching at straws here.


          • #6
            Re: Another freezing problem

            Just tested out Neverwinternights 2. I was getting stuttering and I could actually hear the sound from the card and was happening at the same time, the stuttering coincided with the sound. Also tried Fallout 3 again and the stuttering was getting really bad, a freeze was about to happen no doubt so quit out quickly before it did.

            What would cause bad stuttering like that? Is it a memory leak?

            Was looking at the ATI Radeon HD 4870, looks really nice.


            • #7
              Re: Another freezing problem

              Finally was able to see what the exclamation mark was. Display drivers have stopped working and has recovered.

              Don't get it it's the newest drivers installed.


              • #8
                Re: Another freezing problem

                What PSU are you using? Mate if you are hearing things from your card as it stutters on the screen then I feel that your card is fraked. Send it back. The HD4870 is a hell kick ass card and will no doubt eat 9800GTX's for breakfast, lunch and tea. As i mentioned in my first post about that yellow triangle what you observed can also becaused by the card taking a crap. If theres a card problem then the drivers are going to crash pretty easy. I was having the exact same problem. Now tell me, this stuttering sound is Deffenatly coming from your Card. not ur HDD? Perhaps First as a last ditch effort if its possible try a different Power Supply Unit. At Least 500Watt I would say you want for a 9800GTX+ If not 600. And the same for the 4870. But Id be taking that card back anyway and swapping it for the 4870 cause it will kick ass.
                Lian Li PC-7F Chassis Black
                Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 MB (Rev. 1.1 BIOS v.F8c)
                Gigabyte ODIN GT 800Watt PSU
                Intel Core2Quad Q9550 E0 @ 3.4Ghz @ 1.25vcore
                Noctua NH-U12P + AS5
                G.Skill 2X2GB F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK
                2 X ATI Radeon HD4850 512MB (Crossfired)
                Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA IPS
                2 X 1TB Seagate 7200.11 in RAID 1
                Pioneer DVR216 SATA DVD MultiDrive
                Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)
                Gigabyte Poseidon Chassis
                Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 (Rev. 1.0 BIOS v.F9)
                ASUS Artic Square CPU Cooling with AS5
                Thermaltake TR2 RX 550Watt PSU
                Intel Core2Duo E8500 E0 @ 3.8Ghz @ 1.25vcore
                Corsair 2 X 2Gb XMS2 PC6400C5 DDR2
                NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512MB
                1 X Seagate 1TB 7200.12 + Seagate 750GB 7211.11
                Sony SATA DVD MultiDrive
                Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)


                • #9
                  Re: Another freezing problem

                  Took your advice and took it back and got a refund. I just could not get that card to work no matter what I tried. And I tried a lot of things.

                  Bought the ATI Radeon HD 4870, installed it and it seems to be working fine. No stuttering with games at all. Though I have not tested it extensively yet (It only came today) hopefully there will be no problems. So it looks like it was the Geforce 9800 afterall, and not anything in my system. Huge relief!

                  Yep, no doubts the stuttering and the sound at the same time was coming from the 9800. Oh and I have a 600watt PSU which is what the requirements on the box for the 4870 mentioned.

                  Thanks for your advice it really helped


                  • #10
                    Re: Another freezing problem

                    Thats Great New mate. Im glad you got it sorted. You wont be sorry with the HD4870 they are a great card. Just for interest, was it much more then the 9800GTX?
                    Lian Li PC-7F Chassis Black
                    Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 MB (Rev. 1.1 BIOS v.F8c)
                    Gigabyte ODIN GT 800Watt PSU
                    Intel Core2Quad Q9550 E0 @ 3.4Ghz @ 1.25vcore
                    Noctua NH-U12P + AS5
                    G.Skill 2X2GB F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK
                    2 X ATI Radeon HD4850 512MB (Crossfired)
                    Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA IPS
                    2 X 1TB Seagate 7200.11 in RAID 1
                    Pioneer DVR216 SATA DVD MultiDrive
                    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)
                    Gigabyte Poseidon Chassis
                    Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 (Rev. 1.0 BIOS v.F9)
                    ASUS Artic Square CPU Cooling with AS5
                    Thermaltake TR2 RX 550Watt PSU
                    Intel Core2Duo E8500 E0 @ 3.8Ghz @ 1.25vcore
                    Corsair 2 X 2Gb XMS2 PC6400C5 DDR2
                    NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512MB
                    1 X Seagate 1TB 7200.12 + Seagate 750GB 7211.11
                    Sony SATA DVD MultiDrive
                    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 RC1 (Build 7232)


                    • #11
                      Re: Another freezing problem

                      No actually it was cheaper. Not a lot cheaper mind you, but he store where I bought the Geforce 9800 (PCWorld, don't know if you have that store in Australia) aren't exactly known for great deals. I got the 4870 online, which is what I should have done in the first place. I was too impatient.

                      Anyway still no problems with it either. You were right it's a really great card.

