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BSOD Once every morning

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  • BSOD Once every morning

    Hi, I am getting quite desperate now because for weeks i have been getting BSOD on start up first thing evrey morning,
    i unplug the power,then restart windows normally then i am ok, until the next morning.
    This has been happening since i built my pc, i thought i had found the cause because the default Dramv in the bios was 1.615v but my ram runs on 1,5v, still the lowest setting in my bios for dramv is 1.559v, so i have it running at that for now.
    This is my pc:- Iintel i5 750
    Asrock P55Pro motherboard
    Corsair xms33 ram TW3X4G1333C9DHX G 2X2 Gb
    Ati saphire radeon 5770 Graphics
    Corsair h-50 cooler
    arctic 700w PS
    I have overclocked this to 4Ghz with stable temps, also stress tseted wit prime95 with no problems.
    The bsod error shows :- Memory management , i have traced it to ntoskrnl.exe in one report using
    Bluescreenview, [IMG]

    Uploaded with[/IMG]

    i need to diagnose this fault, please help, thank you.

  • #2
    Re: BSOD Once every morning

    Have you tested each stick one by one with Memtest86+?
    Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

    I would start with that, run 5-10 passes on each stick one at a time at stock speeds/timings/voltages and see if you find any errors.


    • #3
      Re: BSOD Once every morning

      i forgot to mention that i had run memtest previosly with no errors, however, i did another one yesterday, passed with no errors,but this was done with both the sticks, should i repeat with one
      stick at a time.
      I also had a new bios update which allowed me to reduce the dram v to 1.5v ,so i was very confident i wouldn't get a bsod this morning but i did -

      Uploaded with


      • #4
        Re: BSOD Once every morning

        How long did you run it? It's easier to troubleshoot errors if you test one at a time, then both, but you can test both first if you want.

        You will just need to test one by one later if you do both and get errors. You need to run it at least 5-10 full passes or longer.

        Since this has always happened it could be faulty ram from the beginning, or it may just not be fully compatible with your board.


        • #5
          Re: BSOD Once every morning

          i did 10 passes, i will run single sticks too and let you know how i get on.
          I have been thinking these may not be compatible since the bios would not
          let me run at 1.5v but since the last bios update i can run them at 1.5v.
          The board does support these according to their site, but everyone is using
          1600 Ghz 1.65v , i may have to change these even though memtest doesn't
          fault them. I cannot return so i'll have to sell them at e bay.


          • #6
            Re: BSOD Once every morning

            Well let us know what you find out

