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Old PC won't read the %$#@!*& floppy

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  • #16
    Speaking of mobos...Hey you like that board? I'd have pretty much the same system as you with the Mobo/CPU upgrade I was talkin about...


    • #17
      i love this board! and there is a new bios that's going to be released soon.


      • #18
        OK, OK.....enough arm-twisting Bubba. :p
        Bit the bullet and ordered the A7N8X should be here by Monday :D :thumb:
        Oh, and Wiggo? My g/f said she'll buy my board, CPU, etc. once I upgrade mine....problem SOLVED! :)
        I'd just like to thank you guys for all the help. Obviously, I went into this PC building exercise without a whole lot of information. It shames me to admit that for what I paid for a board AND soundcard, I could've had the Asus board in the first place. I am pleased with my machine as it is, but the new board will help that feeling last a LOT longer, and gives me a lot more headroom to upgrade and keep current. I'd like to run the hottest RAM I can, and the Dual-Channel DDR this new board supports really seems to make a difference, according to reviews. Any idea whether this board will handle PC3500? PC3700? I still want a new processor, at least 333MHz FSB, and the 2600+ seems to be the best choice. Also, the Asus supports AGP 8x....should I go for the ATI 9700 Pro, or wait for the GeForce FX to come out?


        • #19
          as it is, the board will support up to DDR400 (PC3200 ?), Corsair memory will probably be the best for you but also the most will also handle cpu's above the far as the ATI 9700 is supposed to have a price drop soon if it hasn't it'll be cheaper than the GFX, but from what I've read, it will out perform the ATI least if you get the 5800 Ultra version, but it'll run you almost $400 for it


          • #20
            Wait for the FX as the nForce2 could have some funny effects when teamed with an ATi card (no I don't think that nVIDIA has done this on purpose). ;)

            Get 2 sticks of Corsair XMS3500 and really give that FSB a :hammer:

            Also if ya have the right BIOS it doesn't matter whether ya get a 266DDR or 333DDR Thoroughbred CPU as the point is mute with this mobo. I'm waitin' till next month for my XP2600+ as price cuts are due w/ Bartons release in a few weeks. :devil win


            • #21
              Good tips, and much appreciated. Exactly what I wanted to do Wiggo. I read a review on the Asus A7N8X board and they did use the Corsair 3500...and with VERY pleasant results (Read: Stable AND fast) :D
              Also, yeah, it'd be nice to have the "bragging rights" of an XP least for a while, and I have no desire to play the one-upping game. Frankly, I just can't afford it. The 2600+ seemed like a good deal for the price, and I will wait for prices to drop til I upgrade the CPU.;)
              OK, this actually belongs on another thread, but I finished the cooling mods that required cutting the case today, and......(drumroll please...) My system temp is 80F and CPU is at an even 100F....that was AFTER running 3DMark and posting my best score yet of 9095 :D :thumb: The temps dropped even further than that afterwards to 80F/98F. Oh, the mods are: 2 filtered 120mm Enermax intake fans in the front and under the drive bays, 2 80mm Enermax rear exhaust, and I still have a 92mm fan that I'd like to install internally with a bracket over the PCI/AGP slots....Looks very clean, and once I get a fanbus, convenient as heck to control :devil win
              Remember the thermostat controlled fan on the Globalwin copper HS I removed? Well, got to thinking about WHY it was running at full all the time today, and I'm planning to take the sensor from where it was mounted stock, right at the base of the heatsink where it's hottest, and moving it up into the fins. Hopefully, I reason, it should read a lower temp and run more as it should, yet give me extra cooling when things are ACTUALLY heating up. It's doing fine with a lower CFM (quieter) fan on it now, so I can always put this one back if it keeps running in turbo mode. :cheers:


              • #22
                if you get a funbus, stay away from the Vantec Nexus 201...I got one and it was ****, and it made more noise than my fans


                • #23
                  Actually I think that it's the Corsair in "Thunder" which actually keeps it up with my new P4. :devil win

                  I just like to do the 7v/12v switch job myself (though only a single throw switch so I don't get the "off" position) but ya may like to go here for some more ideas. :D


                  • #24
                    Just checked out Thunder, and you have a DigiDoc on that badboy....I was considering that as a fanbus option. Doesn't it give you fan control as well as sensing abilities? Kinda pricey, but if you'd reccommend it as a good solution, I'll consider it Wiggo. I got a silly Compunurse. I guess it's OK, but there's no good way to mount the thing so I was planning on keeping it around for diagnostic purposes in my toolkit. The simplicity of the fanbusses in the link you provided, while quite functional, isn't that appealing to me. I'd like a little more fine-tuneability for those fans. :cheers:


                    • #25
                      It can be programed to monitor up to 8 temps (and does) plus monitor and power up to 8 fan speeds (and does) as well as turn fans on and off depending on how ya set it up (but there is plenty of wirin' to do and hide). :thumb:

                      But it won't vary a fan's speed sadly. :(

                      I only got it as a novelty anyway. :devil win


                      • #26
                        Looks like I need to do more studying....:confused:


                        • #27
                          Maybe study these? :?:


                          • #28
                            LMAO! :laugh:
                            You sponsored by Thermaltake, or just own stock?:laugh:


                            • #29
                              you think that TT funbus works good? I got that Vantec fanbus for a reason and I want something that you have experiecne with this model?


                              • #30
                                Don't take that wrong Mr. Wiggo...looks like great stuff, and I can see why you have brand loyalty. I'm a puzzle-solver by nature and trade, and I often think outside the box, but sometimes it's ALL about what's inside the box. :devil:

