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Old PC won't read the %$#@!*& floppy

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  • #31
    Posted by Wordbiker
    [b]You sponsored by Thermaltake, or just own stock? :laugh:
    Well no but I read a review of the fanbus the other day (can't find it now) which gave it very good results though the reviewer didn't like the knobs. The other is basically 2 CompuNurses but several of my friends swear by them. ;)
    Posted by minibubba
    [b]you think that TT funbus works good? I got that Vantec fanbus for a reason and I want something that you have experiecne with this model?
    They've not long been released and the review mentioned above is the only one I've seen so far. ;)


    • #32
      thanks..I'll have to keep my eye's open for some more reviews


      • #33
        OooooOooOooOooooh! Check out that TT Volcano 11.....
        Did I mention I like shiny objects?:geek:


        • #34
          Did ya see those new colourful cases as well (the blue one looks great)? :?:


          • #35
            Oh yeah, very purty and nice features.....I just wish they'd hire someone that's a native English-speaker to proofread for :laugh:
            "Tool-free, easy to assembly"
            "Chassis: 1.0mm SECC Japan Steel
            Front Panel: All aluminum made"


            • #36
              Well actually they do need someone to do that for them. :laugh:

              I wonder if I could get a free case out of them for doin' it. :?:


              • #37
                Got my new mobo yesterday....: party ha
                Man, there's a LOT more options in the BIOS on this one. Any ideas on settings for the present config I have below? All that's new is the Asus A7N8X DX mobo....oh, and a Sunbeam rheobus that'll be here prolly tomorrow....:devil win


                • #38
                  It's just such a shame that ya memory is gonna hold back any real overclockin' but just do what I do and.....

                  Just bloody well go for it! :D


                  • #39
                    My memory? Do I know you? Where am I?:eek:


                    • #40
                      OK, seriously....that memory is a bite....I'll have to wait for it and a new processor....whaddya think I should get first?:cheers:


                      • #41
                        One more thing....
                        Going for it is all well and good, and the Asus manual is pretty clear on HOW to change settings....just no info on WHY you'd want to change settings....Hmmmm....Bubba has the same board, maybe he'd know. :thumb:


                        • #42
                          Just an update...
                          Got my new mobo installed last night, along with all new fan wiring for the rheobus. I had some trouble with the board at first. POST told me I had a bad floppy, and when I replaced it, still wouldn't boot.
                          After resetting the BIOS all I know how, I finally booted to my WinXP CD, did a repair reinstall and everything's working fine :thumb:
                          I even tried a bit of GPU OC and improved my 3DMark by nearly 1000 to 9884! :D


                          • #43
                            In a previous post you'd said that the first prob I described with my g/f's old PC was that it could be a blown floppy controller on the mainboard. Well, we've got a new machine for her now,"Snowflake", but she'd like to be able to sell the old machine. I got everything working fine on it, ready to wipe and reload the OS, but I just want to make SURE that I'm not missing something about the floppy that would cause it to be listed under hardware yet not function and cause an error report at POST. I've checked in the BIOS to make sure everything was enabled, replaced the drive and cable, and checked for drivers that don't seem to be necessary. She'd like to refrain from dumping any more money into it, so the drive you told me about isn't an option. Oh, I did find that it will indeed boot to a USB floppy device, but yet again, that's another expense and probably wouldn't look too good on a machine to be sold. Any clues?


                            • #44
                              Well ya replaced the hardware and rooted around in that BIOS long enough to be sure that the controller is shot (I've had another 4 pc's with this prob since this thread started and all still around that same age). ;)

                              Full versions of Windows since SE are bootable so really a floppy isn't required now so just remove it (spare for later) and just sell it as a CD boot job. Whoever buys it may just put a zip drive in it anyway. :)


                              • #45
                                the reason the floppy shows up in windows is because windows will show a floppy drive almost entirely regardless of whether a controller/fdd is present or working, i think to make the actual floppy drive not appear in windows, you have to enable the controller, but disable the presence of all floppy drives..

