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Frequent Crashes

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  • Frequent Crashes

    Hi, I built my own computer, fairly novice at the whole system building process, but trying to learn. I bought a couple books, put together my machine, and am running Win98 on it. I have been having trouble with it for a long time, while running games, internet pages, downloading files, and many other things. I've played many games such as Everquest, War3, Counterstrike, Battlefield 1942, and during all thesse ames, I have experienced random crashes to desktop, like the program was just shut down and exited instantly. Additionally to the game crashing, I have various other problems, such as being unable to install TWO sperate copies of Windows XP which I just bought, downloading files from the internet from 3 sperate sources and having them all be corrupted..... the list goes on and on. Anyways, hoping that you would be able to help me with this...
    Hoping you guys can help me.

  • #2
    This is likely ya biggest prob atm, ;)

    Knowin' ya full hardware specs will help a lot more though. :)


    • #3
      System specs are :

      -512 MB DDR ram
      -40GB Ultra DMA/100 Hard Drive
      -1900+:EPoX 8KHA+ motherboard
      -GForce2 MX/MX 400 64MB video card
      -AMD Athalon XP 1.9 ghz (runs at a lower speed for some reason)
      -HP CD Writer+ 1900c
      -some KDS monitor I got with an eMachine a while back
      -Creative Sound Blaster 16 PCI

      Now, as a new problem that has randomly started in the past few days, my "system resources" under MyComputer... System Properties... Performance.... is now fluctuation from its usual 90 to a low of 1 or 0 sometimes, and I'm getting horrible graphic glitches and unable to open documents / programs / etc. This change in system performance seems to go down after I open up this reply thread and then, while this website is still open, try to check my system information from that location. After I close everything the problem still is there. However, after restarting it seems to go back to normal.

      Does this sound like an overheating problem? (I don't think it is missing files as I have reformatted numerous times, but I'll try that link you gave me) I haven't overclocked anything, or anything like that. Thanks in advanced.


      • #4
        An XP1900+ runs at 1600MHz. ;)


        • #5
          Ok I'm not the knowledgable one here, but my thats how we started. Litterly. And that very thing happened to us. and what I remember is, one thing to look at is your grounding. ( I know this to be very true!)Something about how or if it is grounded inside and yet outside of it too. He'll be home in a few, I'll have him come tell ya more. But another time it was the cord. ****, even though I can quit this reply, I'm ganna keep it here, (got distracted while I was here, now lost train of thought), But anyway, its happened to us, Actually something going on with mine right now. Not rebooting, but freezing and/or something is using up my resources, or something. I've recently ran into something thats not right on my pc.,


          • #6
            when was the last time you did a windows update/repair?

            cos it sounds like it may be time for an :eek: reinstall :(


            • #7
              i would say virus scan before you re-install

