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OCZ PC3200EL "compatibility" with A7N8X DX

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  • OCZ PC3200EL "compatibility" with A7N8X DX

    I just recently bought and received the OCZ PC3200EL matched 256MB memory sticks to boost my performance over the PC2100 I had before after reading some good reviews. After trying to install them and failing to boot, couldn't install my old RAM either. On the advice of a few friends here, cleared my CMOS, reinstalled my old RAM, reset the BIOS manually, upped the VCore voltage, and finally got it to boot after several tries. It overclocked mildly well and allowed me to OC my processor signifigantly, and I posted some new high benchmarks. After playing for a while, I shut down Windows properly, and replaced a fan, soldered some leads, etc. When I powered on again, my Asus lady told me that I'd failed my memory test....again. Frustrated with swapping RAM modules I did some research to find out JUST how compatible the OCZ was with my mobo. Right there on the OCZ site their "tip" suggests that you may have to up the voltage and manually configure to accommodate their RAM. Oh, and I love how they blame everything on Asus.......
    "The Asus A7N8X exhibits stability issues when using an FSB above 180. This is due to the lack of Voltage ( Vdd ) applied to the northbridge chipset. Another frequent anomoly which occurs is in use with 166FSB processors ( such as the AthlonXP 2600+ ) which limits its ability to achieve higher FSB when the mutliplier is dropped. Memory timings must be entered manually in the BIOS".....
    Anomaly? Or is it just that this memory won't work in one of the most popular enthusiast boards on the market? Is it the Asus board that is exhibiting instability, or the OCZ?
    "Achieving beyond 180FSB with an AMD Thoroughbred Revision A CPU is problematic and this issue has not yet been addressed by either AMD nor motherboard manufacturers" Is the AMD 2600+ to blame? I never had a problem with my old memory...not once. Now, who should accommodate who? I'm out 25 bones for restocking fees as I'm sending this crap back and getting some Corsair. If you got this far, thanks for reading my rant...and be forewarned. Yeah, I'm a bit pissed...:mad:
    :snip: <<<OCZ

  • #2
    I read a review of the epox ep-8rda+ yesterday and it says the board had a problem with memory timings. sounds like the same problem you've got. maybe all nforce2 boards have the same problem. go here and read the bit titled WARNING: DDR Timing Issues, it might help you out a bit.


    • #3
      I just finishin' puttin' my XP2600+, 8RDA+, GF4 Ti4200 and 2 x 256MB Corsair XMS3500 and other than the most agressive memory timin's set that the BIOS has to offer (@ 200MHz/400DDR) the thing is still stock but has not fail one test yet. :D


      • #4
        Awesome mate! :thumb: I'm looking forward to seeing (and preparing to get jealous of) your OC results. I'll be getting my XMS in a couple days.....:devil:


        • #5
          I've been doin' some experimentin' here but nothin' hard yet those these do look very good for starters and I havn't touched the vid card yet. :D

          <img src="">

          <img src="">

          180MHz/360DDR FSB
          <img src="">

          <img src="">

          Isn't it amazin' what 14MHz will do the FSB? :woot:
          The XMS-3500 is set as aggressively as the BIOS will allow for both speed settings and timings though Vmem is 2.73v and Vcore 1.725v plus it's crunchin' SETI w/u's out 30-35mins quicker than my P4 @ 2.7GHz already. :D

