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Getting an error and Windows XP restarts

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  • Getting an error and Windows XP restarts

    From time to time my system resets itself for no appearent reason. I get a MS Windows srceen that pops up and says (The system has recovered from a serious error). I can then veiw the error log signature, which reads-

    BCCode: 100000050 BCP1:FE915BD9 BCP2:00000000 BCP3:FE915BD9BCP4:00000000 OSVer:5_1_2600 SP:1_0 Product:256_1

    Then I can veiw technical information in the Error Report Contents which reads the following files will be included in this error report.

    C:\DOCUME~1\SUPERC~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER1.temp.dir00 \sysdata.xml

    This is a new system I just put together and I'm running Win XP PRO. Does anyone know what could be causing this reset?

  • #2
    First you need to get the error that is behind these restarts.
    Go to Control Panel --> System
    in the window that pops up click on Advanced Tab. Under start up and recovery click on settings and in the next window that pops up look for system failure.
    Uncheck all the check boxes under this section. Click ok and then ok again. This time whenever the system experiences and error you will most probably get a blue or black screen mentioning the error. Note down that error and then post it here.

    You will have to manually restart to get back to windows as you have just disabled "Automatic Restart" from unchecking all those check boxes! I hope you got it!
    Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
    Last Updated:
    10th MARCH

    If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
    icq : 203189004
    jabber : [email protected]
    Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
    yabaa dabaa doo...
    Customized for 1024x768


    • #3
      Good reply asklepios

      Most likely an app problem.

      as well try these.

      1) Go to Start/run then enter eventvwr.msc
      click "application"
      the big red x's are the nasty event logs
      right click on an red x event and select properties(if you have lots of red x's, find one close to the last date and time a crash occured)
      let us know what it says or (if you prefer to do it yourself) find out the name of the offending modules are then find out who owns them by searching the disk, and using windows explorer, right click on the program, select properties and the company's name who wrote the program and uninstall their application or complain to them if you wish to keep it.


      Run anti virus
      Run trojan cleaner
      Run spyware program

      Go to here:

      and download It is a microsoft product and safe. unzip into a new folder and double click regclean. run it and click fix errors.

      go to start/run and enter msconfig
      click the start tab
      unclick all the items

      reboot and run your comp.
      if it still crashes, let us know about it.
      if your comp runs well then in msconfig startup, click the apps you want to run on startup (ie anti virus, firewall , etc) the rest are usually junk and i dont recommend turning them back on.


      • #4
        i have had that minidump thing happen to me and i tryin to fix it but i cant seem to i tryin to do almost everything that u guys told me but it still fuks up
        i got windows xp pro

        got anymore advice for me plz my comp is driving me insane it crashes every day like 5 to 10 times a day just freezes.!?!?!?!


        • #5
          It would seem to me to be a hardware issue in both cases. I would check your ram and cpu for errors. go to and download one of the mem tests to test your ram, then do a burn in test to test the cpu. I would remove the CPU and check for chipping on the die if u are running an athlon, and make sure the heatsink is getting proper contact with the die.


          • #6
            what do u mean lol i new at this whole thing.
            not sure my comp just freeze's out of no where when i play everquest hate that when i freeze and die lol.
            well if u could email me and tell me what to do that would be a great help my email is
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Go to Control Panel/Admin Tools/Event Viewer and under both software and system look for any red flags and let us know what is being recorded with them.


              • #8
                ok heres what it says
                Error code 00000071 parameter1 c03dd920, parameter 2 c000000e, parameter3 f764fb2, parametter4 0cb75860

                The device, \Device\harddisk0\D, has a bad block

                %2: ACPI BIOS is attempting to read from an illegal IO port address (%3), which lies in the %4 protected address range. This could lead to system instability. Please contact your system vendor for technical assistance.

                lol even more **** that keeps adding up everyday grrr :shoot3:


                • #9
                  First of all go to the manufacturer's website of ya hard drive and download their diagnosic tools and if ya system is overclocked set it back to standard before runnin' the diag software and let us know what happens.


                  • #10
                    I'm back with better results, but still the same. It doesn't reboot as often now. I started running a memtest one day, but didn't get to finish, though no errors came up. I stopped the auto reboot and wrote down what the error message was. Take a look:


                    So this must be some sort of software/hardware problem. Obviously a driver isn't working correctly. Could it be my video card? What programs can I run to make sure stuff I deleted, be it drivers and all were completely deleted. Because I know I've installed drivers and had to take them out, rollback and that kind of thing.


                    • #11
                      the error you got had a file associated with it...a ".sys" file.
                      it was there mentioned in the error screen you got. may be you overlooked it.
             can just wait till it happens again and find out which driver it is by reading the complete error.
                      Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                      Last Updated:
                      10th MARCH

                      If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                      icq : 203189004
                      jabber : [email protected]
                      Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                      yabaa dabaa doo...
                      Customized for 1024x768


                      • #12
                        it seems to freeze and it did some system32/system/ can not load hive (file) and it crashed i replaced my ram still nothin going to get a new mother board friend help me out but i not know what mother board to get. anyone help me out?


                        • #13
                          MSKB Error Code Information.

                          MSKB Stop Errors

                          This goes into the errors a little bit and could shed some light on your errors.

                          Event viewer may tell you the application that is causing the problem.

                          Start...Control Panel...Adminstrative Tools...Event Viewer. Make sure to check the application and system files for problems.


                          • #14
                            Re: Getting an error and Windows XP restarts

                            I am new to the forum and my problem is similar the this one but I can't follow it, after the first few suggestions. How do I, or can I ask about my problem directly? :)


                            • #15
                              Re: Getting an error and Windows XP restarts

                              Originally posted by Lorsini
                              I am new to the forum and my problem is similar the this one but I can't follow it, after the first few suggestions. How do I, or can I ask about my problem directly? :)
                              Create a new thread here

