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2 x modems?

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  • 2 x modems?

    Is it okay to have 2 modems connected?
    Lets just say one internal and one external.
    I have a friend that wants to connect to the net but the internal modem won't work. I have a spare external modem, is it okay to set it up and use that instead?

  • #2
    It would be best to disable the internal modem within BIOS and then remove the old modem from the Hardware Manager first. While it may work, if it still tries to load up the original modem you may well have conflicts or not enough IRQ resources for the new modem to work properly.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      Thanks Darth, I'll give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen..............:shrug:
      *I was trying to avoid getting into the guts of it*


      • #4
        it might be easier just to remove the internal modem, its just a matter of removing a couple of screws, if you run into trouble just call wiggo


        • #5
          Yes sis if the other is a PCI card just remove the thing in the Device Manager but don't reboot. Go into the add/remove software and remove any software listed for it, then just shut the PC down and remember to ground ya self out b4 removin' the offendin' part. If it's an onboard component then just disable it in the BIOS, then remove any software associated with it.


          • #6
            *wipes brow*
            To cut a long story short, it wasn't the modem, just the operators.
            Error 608 which meant it wasn't detecting the modem and they were trying to dial themselves instead of thier isp.
            I got it worked out in the end.
            Pretty sad connection speed thought, only getting 2,600 bps. :eek:


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wiggo's-sister
              Pretty sad connection speed thought, only getting 2,600 bps. :eek:
              Outch that must hurt bad. I feel for him/her. :(

