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Internet Explorer problem

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  • Internet Explorer problem

    Okay i have been using IE for a long time now and i really love it.

    but one day i got on it and i went to log into my CS community forums and then closed IE and came back on a few minutes later and my account info wasnt saved.. so now i have to log into the forums every time i go to the page...really annoying.

    also when im browsing in IE, it will only let one IE window be open at a time. like if i click a link and it opens a new window the old window will close itself...

    really freakin annoying..

    im currently using firefox...and it blows i hate it.

    please help me fix my problem

  • #2
    Re: Internet Explorer problem

    For your forum login problems, is it possible you inadvertently disabled cookies? This is what saves the login info you submit for future ease of use. As for the old window closing, check out the Advanced tab of your IE Options, may be something in there.

    But first, try emptying your cache and see if that helps. I've heard of folks having too much junk in there and it fouls IE, but after emptying it everything works normally again.
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