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Asus P4P800

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  • Asus P4P800

    I've been reading reviews on the net and this seems like a great board. Anyone here bought one yet? I'm going to buy it and a P4 2.8C 800 sometime in the next few weeks.

    I haven't decided on the RAM yet. I have one 512MB Corsair 3200 right now. Would I be better off getting two 256MBs and use the Dual DDR on the new board?

  • #2
    I've been away from Intel too long to say whether your choice of board is good, but in regards to the memory question, why not get another stick of Corsair PC3200 at 512MB and run those as your dual channel? I use a pair of Crucial PC2700 sticks at 512MB each in my nForce2 based board... can't think of any reason why yours would be any different.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Darthtanion
      I've been away from Intel too long to say whether your choice of board is good, but in regards to the memory question, why not get another stick of Corsair PC3200 at 512MB and run those as your dual channel? I use a pair of Crucial PC2700 sticks at 512MB each in my nForce2 based board... can't think of any reason why yours would be any different.
      I think that is what I'm going to do. My plan was to use that stick in another machine but I think I'll just leave 256MB in it since its only running Windows 2000 and doesn't really need it.


      • #4
        I'd still like to know, though, performance wise, will the computer run any faster if I had two 256MB chips rather than one 512MB?


        • #5
          generally, there is actualy a nice performance gain with dual channel memory, especiallyif ya use a DC (distributed computing) program


          • #6
            You most definately need to use Dual Channel memory to get the most out of the board. P4s crave memory bandwith!


            • #7
              I just got my P4P800 Deluxe this week and Corsair TWINX PC3200. There is a problem with this chipset and XMS Corsair memory. Just check out the ramguy forum. You will have to change the CAS settings manually to get it to wokr. Mine is working fine, but it aggravated the crap outta me for a whole day until I found out what it was, because if you let SPD configure it you wont even be able to install windows.


              • #8
                P4C's have a FSB bandwidth of 6.4GB and PC3200 has 3.2GB so as ya can see if ya use just one stick ya'll be stranglin' the CPU where as 2 x PC3200 = 6.4GB in the dual channel setup.


                • #9

                  "It seemed to be stupendously fast when set to SPD (DDR-400) timings at 200FSB, comfortably beating the Canterwood into second place. Secondly, it's an FSB monster. 285FSB came and went with utter stability; a testament to Intel's impressive engineering prowess. Fast and relatively inexpensive, just how we like it. Recommended."



                  • #10
                    I've got an Asus P4P800 coming next week for my home box w/ a couple corair XMS3200 dimms - so we'll see how it goes

                    I mus say I'm not impressed with the Asus P4C800's - I've set up 4 so far & all 4 had issues with the int. LAN, don't get along well with older R9700's & parallel drives raided on the promise chip don't perform anywhere near up to par :mad:

                    .....WD SATA Raptors using the native chipset support absolutely fly though:D :D :D


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RDR
                      I've got an Asus P4P800 coming next week for my home box w/ a couple corair XMS3200 dimms - so we'll see how it goes

                      I mus say I'm not impressed with the Asus P4C800's - I've set up 4 so far & all 4 had issues with the int. LAN, don't get along well with older R9700's & parallel drives raided on the promise chip don't perform anywhere near up to par :mad:

                      .....WD SATA Raptors using the native chipset support absolutely fly though:D :D :D
                      Thats interesting, I've set up numerous p4c800's in the past week with no problems whatsoever. The single channel IDE raid isnt very satisfying however, though thats to be expected when there is only one channel to raid the 2 drives.

                      I have mine setup with OCZ pc3500 abd they get along great.

                      I have set-up a few p4p800-vm this week and they seem to have no issues that I've run into. They arent quite as quick as the p4c800, but nice nonetheless


                      • #12
                        well i just orderd my p4p800 a few hours ago, but i got 6 200gig'rs(7200rpm 8meg cache) to put in there, tech told me i can run a raid1 and raid0 with the ide, im hoping there right, anyone here do the same?


                        • #13
                          I just got my P4P800 (non-deluxe) up & running yesterday - no RAID here though - just a single Raptor :D


                          • #14
                            p4p800 deluxe rock on!!!!!: peace2:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RDR
                              I just got my P4P800 (non-deluxe) up & running yesterday - no RAID here though - just a single Raptor :D
                              How far have you been able to overclock that 2.4C? The reviews all say 285fsb. I've thought about trying this combo, 2.4C with the P4P800. Is there any problem running it at 285fsb with the memory at 400? I know it wouldn't be as fast as a true 3GHz but does it hurt performance any?

