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PERL865 Zone 2 overheating, Intel Monitor

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  • PERL865 Zone 2 overheating, Intel Monitor

    I would like to build a DAW and after extensive research am more confused than ever!

    Initially looked at ASUS P4P800SE with Northwood P4 (cooler) but learnt that PERL865 was ultimate in stability. Subsequently found Zone 2 overheating issue on some threads with Intel Monitor. As such come here for advice.

    Would like to build following:-

    1. PERL865 or PERLL865
    2. P4 Northwood with HT running with 800FSB (2.4C/2.8C/3C - best bang per buck?)
    3. 2 x 512 sticks 3200 (400) DDR RAM Corsair/Kingston - advice please
    4. SATA 120Gb HD Barracuda IV
    5. EMU 1820M interface with Rode NT1 for acoustic guitar and vovals.

    Any comments most welcome. Partic with ref to zone 2. Is this a red herring?

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    Re: PERL865 Zone 2 overheating, Intel Monitor

    Personally I'd go with the ASUS mainboard over the Intel one.

    I've got a 2.4C here on an ASUS P4P800 Deluxe running at 3.5GHz and you can't do that with an Intel mainboard plus I've no stability issues at all.

