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GA-K8NSNXP-754 bios or volt mod

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  • GA-K8NSNXP-754 bios or volt mod

    Ok, after a fairly long absence in these forums, I have come back in hopes that you can help me out.

    After buying a pair of OCZ Gold EL VX PC4000 512MB sticks I am stuck running at 2.7-2.8 volts and cant even come close to the overclocking power available in my RAM.

    I am in need of a volt mod or modded bios for the Gigabyte GA-K8NSNXP(not the 939 version), I'm not worried about the motherboard or CPU because both of them are getting replaced soon, but I want to get the most out of this system, and running CAS 2 would be a good start.

    Any links and what not would be great, thanks guys.

    I'll try to stick around and help who ever needs it.

  • #2
    Re: GA-K8NSNXP-754 bios or volt mod

    If Google isn't giving you anything good, try the Anandtech forums. It's a big place, but there's a wealth of knowledge there simply because of its size and every time I've bought a motherboard I've gotten multiple offers for voltmodded ones.

