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Help!! 4g4a+ problems

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  • Help!! 4g4a+ problems


    I think I have problems.......

    sys config
    p4 2.53
    epox 4g4a+
    (2) WD SE Hard Drives
    SB Audigy
    Geforce3 Ti500
    512 Corsair XMS ddr pc2700

    I've had nothing but problems the second I hit the power switch.
    I installed the RAM, Chip(h/f), HD's,and Video. RAM in Bank1 (Epox manual says it should be in this bank). I went to boot and all I heard were french sirens. I tried different combinations (no video (used onboard), no Hd just chip and RAM) nothing worked.

    I moved to Bank2... same thing (different combinations)

    Bank2... I was able to get to the screen that says, "hit delete to enter setup". I couldn't get any further. Ok... so i took a closer look at the jumper for the CPU select. By default, its on CPU select. I set it for go. Then I set it for 100MHz. I was able to get into the BIOS. In The BIOS, I set the speed to where it should be... 133/2.53. It was bothering me that the RAM belonged in Bank1, not Bank3 so I tried again. Nothing...same sirens. Ok, I put the RAM back in Bank3 and flashe the BIOS to the earlier version (ddr333 support from tweaktown). Still working.... so I moved the RAM to Bank1. Still working. I proceeded to set up my Raid and load XP Pro. Since I was up and running, I started playing...I was able to get the fsb up to 150 but the RAM would not go past 266.

    Next I upgraded the BIOS to the latest. I rebooted into the BIOS (new BIOS date was shown) and set the optimized defaults. System rebooted and I get sirens. Now, no matter what I do, I can't get it boot. Sirens on every Bank and combination.

    I sent out the RAM to be checked by Corsair but I don't think it's bad. I also tried 512 stick of Mushkin pc2100. Still can't boot. i don't even get BIOS codes. As soon as I hit the power button, my screen says powering off and I get sirens. No codes are displayed. You think I messed up the BIOS with the upgrade? A bad board? Also, my keyboard works when it wants to.

    Very sorry for the long post but I don't know where to start now. Any suggestions?


  • #2
    ya it sounds like you may have a bad board. And the act of flashing the bios (not that its bad) probably made things worse. Or it was probably a complete conincidence. My guess is there something a little screwy going on in the bus. Is the board new? Or old? Is it still under warranty?


    • #3
      the board is 2 weeks old. I bought it from z-buy. I can't wait to see what issues I have trying to get it replaced.



      • #4
        Did you try to clear the cmos to set everything to safe settings?


        • #5
          I cleared the cmos (by the jumper) and removed the battery. No go. What bothers me is I can't even get far enough for the LED's on the board to start. So something right from the start is detected as bad(or wrong)


          • #6
            Maybe you're not the only one with problems. I just tried to access Epox' site. The page won't display due to excess traffic. It does sound like a blown bios flash.

