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hmmm not sure about granite bay

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  • hmmm not sure about granite bay

    i read tom's hardware review on the e7205. didn;t sound too **** hot to me.

    they make it sound like to p4pe is the chipset of choice. i laready have a single 512mb stick of ram as well. so granite bay's dual ddr isn't good for me???

  • #2
    I know, i was thinking of selling my rambus 1066 board and mem to replace it with a granite bay board. But it seems to be a loss in performance and really, who want to buy new stuff to loose in performance?

    Maybe i should keep my board and it's excellent performance i dunno yet.


    • #3
      I think Granite Bay is awesome, but the estimated price of these boards is expected at 200 bucks (US) a crack...and we're talking the fairly basic ones. I hate to say it, but if that's the case, RDRAM boards are still gonna be here for awhile. Granted RDRAM is from a fairly devious company, but a dual-channel DDR solution doesn't seem to really offer anything except an even higher price.

      On the flip side, it's a very new chipset, so they will come down in price eventually. If I were to get a GB board, I'd probably check out GigaByte's 8NIXP...that looks so frickin' cool with the DPS system.


      • #4
        I think the Springdale chipset is supposed to support dual channel DDR333 & 400 - so that will probably be more attractive

        But your right in that Granite bay only improves perfromance by a couple of percent over i845PE & costs quite a bit more


        • #5
          Springdale...ahh, yeah, I've heard bits an pieces of it and know it's an Intel P4 chipset in the future, but not much more. I have heard about it being dual-channel DDR though.

          I guess now is kinda a lull before the storm of major changes in the PC market...or I'm just not getting as excited over hardware as much anymore.:rolleyes:


          • #6
            I believe Springdale, SiS655FX & ViaPT600 all support Dual-channel DDR400, AGP8X, 800MHz FSB & hyperthreading.

            If past track records are any indication...the intel chipset will leave the others in the dust, in both performance and price

   after Springdale is Canterwood w/"turbo"memory technology....should be interesting


            • #7
              512 mb Samsung rdram 1066 cost me about $260 here in Sweden, the same amount brand pc2700 ddr is about $230-240.

              So now after i've done some research it would be stupid to change to an granite bay board wich with the memory would be a more expensive solution than my rambus system,
              and not to mention slower...

              To bad i don't have 8x agp slot on this board though... =(


              • #8
                If you have an RD Ram solution already there is no need to ditch it in favor of Intels new chip set. The GB mobos lag slightly behind the 850 chipset. At the moment, there is no need for 8x agp which GB supports, by the time there is a need for it springdale/canterwood will be the talk of the town. Gigabyte has recently started to send it's newest offerings based on the SiS 655 chipset which supports DDRII 400 out for reviews, however the numbers are not that impressive(this may be do to an undeveloped bios). I'm waiting for the arrival of a GA-8INXP, which cost an arm and a leg($239 US)! Do any owners of the 850 chipset need more then 2Gigs of ram? I didn't think so. There is no reason imho to ditch the 850 chipset in favor of the GB chipset, the 850 is still the "king of the hill". If you figure in the costs that justify getting a GB mobo($240-mobo,$639-3.06 GHz HT CPU,$380-ATI 9700 and DDR 266 x 2,256Mb-$100) it doesn't seem worth it. It should be noted though, that Intel more then likely has ditched RD Ram in favor of DDRII. As for an 800MHz FSB it is still left to be seen. It would logically seem however that DDRII 400 would be the perfect match for an 800Mhz FSB. I've learned the hard way that getting "cutting edge" sometimes costs more then it's worth....



                • #9
                  We've all learned that at one point in time or another :) It would, however, be nice to see DDR memory catch up to the FSB of the P4 before Intel writes it in stone about sticking to DDR, because once again the memory has become a bottleneck these days (specifically in relation to Intel procs)


                  • #10
                    Not as big a bottleneck as the PCI bus or drives. ;)


                    • #11
                      Well no, but still :)


                      • #12
                        I'll guess the pci ports will disapear in the future just like the isa ones. They do need to be replaced with something though...

                        What do you think will happen? :?:


                        • #13
                          In the near future, 32 bit/33mhz pci bus will be replaced with 64 bit/66mhz most likely... after that, it's only a guess.


                          • #14
                            The PCI slot is et to be replaced by PCI-Express in the next year or so...

