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Can I throttle back processor??

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  • Can I throttle back processor??

    :shrug: :shrug: I started running a "distributed computing" program afew days ago.(seti@home) And I have a couple questions that R beyond my limited comprehension. Maybe 1 of ya'll can help.
    #1-When this program ONLY is running, it uses 100% of my proc. Is this completely safe for 24 hrs., as long as it stays cool.
    #2-Can I manually (& easily & safely) set the proc. to only use, say 85%, when I'm asleep. The SETI program itself appears NOT to have this type of setting.

    Athlon XP 2200+
    eMachine W2247
    Phoenix 6.00PG BIOS

    THX in advance.

  • #2
    Both my machines are set to crunch setis whilist I'm away at work. It does use all the processor but I've never had any trouble. My Amd goes up by 3c but my P4 will go up about 20c. It often at 52 when I get home. I know that P4's throttle back when they get too hot. Don't know about AMD though. You could underclock it I guess :?:


    • #3
      I run an assortment of PC's (15 atm) from PII's to P4's and K6-2's to Athlons but all are happy runnin' SETI 24/7. Ya can (if ya installed SETI this way) set the priority to Low though ya can go into the Windows Task Manager (if ya runnin' XP) and left click on the process and set it lower. But why as SETI only uses unused cycles? :confused:


      • #4
        your not going to hurt your CPU running it at 100% 24/7 as long as you keep it cool enough

        if SETI is anything like Folding@home then it wont get in the way even while you are doing other things if you keep the priority low enough


        • #5
          THX guys. All this was what I already figured, everything was OK, as long as it stayed cool, which it does-usually around 42C. I just wanted 2 hear it from a few of ya'll to ease my mind. I feel better now & can finally sleep all nite long, especially since ya'll R crunchers also--I wasn't expecting that.
          Yes, I have figured out about the "priority" setting & UR right. I can't tell a bit of difference in "regular" computing if the SETI is running in the background or not.
          1 last thing & I'll shut up. I usually get more quality help, & quicker too, than any other tweaking site I have visited. I'll B posting some of my own stuff here when I run across it so I can "repay" ya'll a little. THX again.

          The Dog

