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Dissapointing Results of Athlon 64 with 64 Bit of Windows

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  • Dissapointing Results of Athlon 64 with 64 Bit of Windows

    check here...

    I was asking me self.. is the 64Bit of Processing power is a proper con??

  • #2
    this is already covered here:

    like the article says, improved drivers would likely take care of the poor gaming performance, and keep in mind that XP 64 is still a BETA and not a final product.

    you did read the article, right?
    Epic was demonstrating UT 2004 64-bit at the release of the Athlon 64 last September, and by all reports the performance was amazing. Perhaps we will only see the promised advantage of 64-bit in games written or compiled for XP64. [b]As we have already said, it is too early to draw conclusions


    • #3
      Yea, games are heavily optimized, and so it makes perfect sense that they don't run well on 64 bit when they are optimized for 32 bit...


      • #4
        64-bit software will provide a great boost in ALL applications. We've already seen great results in other areas, just gaming is lacking currently.

        Just give it time. I think one of the reasons for this Preview Edition of WinXP 64-bit is to get it out there and make manufacturers realize that is coming, to get them to get on the ball with 64 bit stuff.


        • #5
          What really hillarious is some people are labeling 64 bit as a failure before it even enters the race. Its as if they think 32 bit was the end all for computers... ROFL... WTF


          • #6
            then go back to your doss.. it very fast with these gig + cpu's... heck i lose before i even touch the keyboard twice lol .. [unless of course u play turn based games . any one for sc[ second conflict? ]
            k6-2 .and . . . AMD 64bit|3.2,1G[2326],9800xt [both died] miss my 500 K's
            recycled from the trash [and in use]
            2 = 945G chipset boards 2G Celeron and dual Pentium
            3 = AM-37 FIK motherboards 2-2.6 G
            in storage 810/815 chipset P3's 800MHZ[4setup and +? not]


            • #7
              so pretty much it's not worth getting 64 bit process at this time right? does unix / linux take advantage of the power at this time?


              • #8
                Thats not at all true. The Athlon 64 procs all run 32 bit apps exceptionally well, at least on par with, and often better than the P4's :thumb: Plus their performance may get even better when the final XP 64-bit addition is released in combination with true 64 bit drivers, and software that is optimized for 64 bit :cheers:


                • #9
                  Yup I personally would dub it the fastest desktop processor you can buy right now, even when run in 32-bit.


                  • #10
                    The way AMD's 64-bit CPU's are (and will be) taking off in both 32-bit and 62-bit arenas, they def are the fastest, and we havent even hit socket-939 and dual channel capability yet :wow: . You can almost hear Intel's executives slamming there foreheads on their desks... :laugh: . : peace2: Mista K6


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mista K6
                      The way AMD's 64-bit CPU's are (and will be) taking off in both 32-bit and 62-bit arenas, they def are the fastest, and we havent even hit socket-939 and dual channel capability yet :wow: . You can almost hear Intel's executives slamming there foreheads on their desks... :laugh: . : peace2: Mista K6
                      When they go dual channel they are losing half of their cache to 512kb.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Soulburner
                        When they go dual channel they are losing half of their cache to 512kb.
                        Probably because that cache isn't free, and when they get socket939 and dual channel, AMD is betting that it will still be fast enough to entice users to them.......

