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  • 2400+

    Yeah i know its pretty old but it's not mine, it's my sister's, i swear!

    Anyways, now that THAT is cleared up,
    It's and AMD 2400+, 256 MB DDR RAM, S3 Prosavage8 onboard video card, onboard sound card running on windows XP.

    The problem is.....ITS SHUTS DOWN RANDOMLY! :mad:

    Any advice/solutions would greatly be appreciated


  • #2
    Random restarts could be cause by heat or software probs. Check the temps and also go into the system properties/advance/startup and recovery, click on the settings button and under system failure untick "automatically restart" and then get back to us with the temps (room, system and CPU under full load) plus the full error code from the next blue screen. You could always check out the Event viewer (control panel/admin tools) and see what red flagged errors are logged there under system and applications.


    • #3
      The temps were

      Room=25 C
      System=39 C
      Full load = 49C

      I am no pro at this, but 49 seems a bit high to me :confused:

      Anyways, i am still waiting for the comp to shut down so i can get the error code

      CURSE YOU EMACHINES! ( my @$$, these people were useless in asking for help)

      Thank god for the experts :wink:

      A for anyone who helps


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vivi1212
        The temps were

        Room=25 C
        System=39 C
        Full load = 49C

        I am no pro at this, but 49 seems a bit high to me :confused:

        That could be a little warm-ish for a T-bred. (The family XP2400 loads up to a scant 38C with stock cooling; good job AMD.) However, it is well within limits.


        • #5
          If ya t'bred is below 20C above room temp then ya doin' ok but if its above that then there is room for improvement but that temp shouldn't cause reboots.


          • #6
            seems too me you have a few dry joints open up the case handle eveything carefully by the sides and wipe with a dry cloth also remove the heatsink fan and clean the heatsink also do you know if the ram is the same make if so are they in the right order from the cpu start with the closest slot and work away also is the ide cables pluged in properly cause that can cause reboots also if you have any fan slots in your case use them thats what there for well thats about all i can think of at the moment remember dry cloth not oily or just been worn a clean one : party ha


            • #7
              Thanks for the help, i have dusted out the comp, cleaned the heat sink and done everything mentioned by you guys.

              From now on, I pledge to never buy an eMachine again, if i ever mention anything about getting one, e-slap me!

