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Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

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  • Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

    Hihi... Got some problem when overclocking a morgan duron. My motherboard doesn't support voltage and multiplier editing. So I was trying yo cut the L3 L4 and L11 bridge and found them very hard to cut. Can't break any one of them after trying hard with a pointy knife. Wonder if anyone of you had been doing the same thing before and if any solution you've got.

    Any suggestion is appreciated and thanks alot.

  • #2
    Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

    Ok I got it. Use the 5v leads of a PSU. The bridge was blowed in less than a second. Now I got this duron mobile 800 running at 1G (5*200) 1.5v. Can't reach any higher at this voltage.


    • #3
      Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

      Now what mod was that again that you wanted to do with your case?


      • #4
        Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

        Well excuse me I don't speak English as my mother language...Does 'mod' stand for modification? I already push the CPU to 1.1G at 1.575v can't get it work on 1.2G even at 1.75v. Don't wanna go any further with vcore in case it get burned.

        Next might be the mobo (MSI KM4AM-L) as it doesn't offer good compatibility with graphic cards. Tried an R9600XT and it became very unstable. Some similar incompatibility reports on KM400 chipset were found on the internet. Looks like I'm quite far away from games.

        Anyway I'm mainly running some musicware with this PC.


        • #5
          Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

          Mod does mean modification, but you had it in case mods. This is more of a processor mod. Don't worry about it, though. I've moved it to the appropriate forum. BTW, you're pretty good with English for non-native speakers. A lot of the native speakers that post here could take a note from you in turns of sentense struture, grammar, and punctuation...

          Anyway, you'll need to tell us more about your system so we can help you with this overclock. Primarily, what power supply you have and what temperatures you're getting. I'd say 1.75 is way more than enough for the overclock you're looking at. May Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz gets to 1.1GHz on stock voltage, easily. Cooling is my problem, and it may be yours as well.

          I don't recall the KM400 chipset having many problems. The KT266, IIRC, had some stability problems with add-in graphics, but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure if it's any good for overclocking, so it may limit you in that department, if heat or power aren't doing so now.

          Regardless of overclocking, you will want that 9600Xt in there. The system wil make an impressive gamer, depending on how much RAM it has. I have an Athlon [email protected] with a 9600XT and 512MB of RAM, and it can play Battlefield 2 without problems. The framerates are great, and the loading tiems aren't bad. Granted that's on low settings, but it's not bad for a CPU that's way below the "minimum" requirements.


          • #6
            Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

            Well thank you Yawgmoth. I didn't realize that I'd posted this in a wrong forum till I read it myself.

            OK here's it:
            Duron morgan 800@ 1.1G (5.5*200) DHM0800ALS1B
            MSI KM4AM-L
            RAM 512M @DDR400 (Kingston DDR400 256M*2) 3-3-8-3
            Seagate Barracuda ST380011A
            SAMSUNG SM-352B Combo
            SB Live!value
            PSU HuntKey LW-6228
            Cooler AVC C86 4000rpm (with pure aluminium alloy heatsink)

            The current CPU temperature is 39 celcius but SpeedFan shows a 47 degree HD temp. Wonder if it's something wrong with the sensor or the software.

            The heatsink may not be a great one that helps much with oc. But then will the morgan core probably meet its limit arround 1.2G?

            Anyway CPU MHz is not too critical to performance when it's only a 100MHz difference. The painful thing is being unable to add graphic card onto this system. Are you suggesting that it might be the PSU's not powerful enough?

            BTW, how much is the voltage and temperature of your Tbird? I'd like to have a Tbird modified to 400FSB with larger cache, but then morgan has got SSE instructions and is cooler than Tbird.


            • #7
              Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

              Temperatures are terrible, but it doesn't have much of an HSF and I haven't modded the case yet so it has fairly bad airflow. Though, the temps are so bad that I'll probably just reapply the HSF and thermal compound, because I'm guessing I've done a bad job.

              The voltage... I can't remember, but I want to say 1.5v was the stock and is where I left it.

              I don't know about that Morgan core, but with 39c I'd say temperature isn't your problem, yet. Could be just a core limitation. Normally, I'd agree that 100MHz isn't that much, but every little bit will make a huge difference with that system. I know I'd love to get mine to 1.5 if I had the temperatures. It's on an nForce 2 board that OCs fairly well, so temperatures are my only problem for now (though the 235W PSU it's using might come into play).

              Another thing you can try is raising that multiplier and lowering the FSB. I haven't even tried running mine at 200MHz yet. It's still somewhere around 130MHz.

              And what PSU is that? Never heard of HuntKey, and the LW-6228 doesn't really give much idea of the wattage. What wattage is it?


              • #8
                Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                No, you don't find much about HuntKey in English. They mainly do business in Asia I think. It says '220W opp 280W' on LW-6228 and I don't know what opp means. I don't have many stuff in the case so 220 wats should be enough.

                Yeah you are right. If I lower FSB it might be able to bring the frequency up to 1166 1150 or something like that. But that won't likely be enough to compensate the bandwith loss.

                Nforce2 is good. Dual channel memory is cool. If I were you I'll probably try to lower the multi and raise FSB to 200. With dual DDR400 it gives a large bandwith. Tiptop for a K7 system.

                BTW, do you watch NBA? K Garnett is the best.


                • #9
                  Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                  220W may be enough, but if it's a crappy PSU company it might not be. But I don't think it's really your problem.

                  It might be enough if you just lower it a little. For example I'd rather have it at 6.5x180 than 5.5x200. The bandwidth is important, but having a higher clockspeed can make up for it. I'd check and see how well lowering FSB works for you. If you get another 150MHz and only lose around 20MHz FSB, for example, that's not a bad trade off IMO.

                  Dual channel is nice, but for whatever reason this board is extremely unstable with any sort of dual channel setup. If I ever feel lke fixing the heat, Ill probably start messing around and see if I can't get it to 200MHz with a nice overclock to go with it.

                  You watch basketball? What country are you in?


                  • #10
                    Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                    China, where everyboy watchs basketball. So most people in the states don't watch it heh? Football and baseball rule?

                    I think I've figured out why 9600XT went unstable on my system. It's because CPU vcore was set too low. Without add-on graphic card it's stable at 1.575v. When graphic card the big power consumer settled down CPU became poorly fed and its actual voltage may drop below 1.575v. Good that you remind me of the power.
                    I found this out after installed a MX440. At first it was alright. Then NBA Live became unstable and system hangs. SuperPi can't complete. I lower FSB to 166 and everything became fine again. So graphic card is not the problem, CPU is.

                    Now I have it back on 1.1G and vcore at 1.6v. It's completely alright with no temperature increase. Thank you Yawgmoth.

           mobo doesn't support FSB adjusting in bios. It only has options of 100/133/166/200 with jumper sets. But anyway I'm quite pleased with 1.1G.

                    What's the brand and model of your mobo? Hope you get dual channel working soon
                    Last edited by zooba; 08-18-2005, 07:06 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                      Actually, I'd say basketball is possibly more popular in baseball, but Football (or Soccer, as they call it everywhere else) is the main sport in the States. I catch an NBA game occasionally, but I don't really follow it.

                      If the video card takes up too much power, then I'd suggest getting a new PSU for it. An Athlon a bit above 1GHz with a 9600XT can make a decent gaming system.

                      Wow, I didn't realize that the motherboard didn't have FSB adjustments. That's got to make things hard.

                      My motherboard is Biostar M7NCD Pro, and Biostar is known for making low-quality motherboards. I actually got it for free, essentially, and was using it with my Athlon XP 2400 Mobile. I figured out that it wouldn't run dual channel, and that it wasn't stable when I overclocked it more than just a little, so I replaced it with an Abit NF7-S v. 2. I figured it wasn't totally useless, and I had a spare PSU, so I went and got a used hard drive, 9600XT, case, and traded the PSU that came with case for an Athlon 1GHz Thunderbird. So far it's fine, but I don't plan on even trying dual channel, and I really do need to fix that heat problem. Even with the Biostar motherboard, I think I'lll be able to get a good 1.3-1.5GHz out of this thing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                        Biostar doesn't have much business in China. Abit NF7 was the hottest mobo here in K7 age.

                        Yawg... I just thought about modding a mendocino celeron's multi. The CPU's pins have their top exposed on the top of the package making it easy to solder or pencil-connect them. Does mendocino set its multi by pin-to-ground configuration? If it is, do you know the pattern? There's little info on overclocking intel CPUs. Most are about AMD. Where can I find detailed pin-configuration of Intel CPU for multi and vcore?
                        Last edited by zooba; 08-19-2005, 06:35 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                          Yeah, the NF7 was big everywhere. It's basically the best socket A OCing motherboard ever made.

                          I'm not sure, but I don't think you'll be able to overclock that processor by using the multiplier. From what I've found online, back in the day it was a popular CPU because you could simply bump the FSB up to 100 from 66.

                          Here are some of the relevant links I found:
                          Bevor die c't-Webseite ihr neues Gesicht bekommen kann, müssen ein paar alte Zöpfe dran glauben. Für alle, die unsere Treiber-Verzeichnis vermissen, haben wir ein paar Tipps.

                          Introduction Yesterday (Aug 24, 1998) Intel announced three new processors, the Pentium II 450 and two new Celeron CPUs ‘Celeron 300 A’ and ‘Celeron 333’. At the first look there’s…

                          Honestly though, I can't say I'd be bothered with overclocking it. It might run a pre-1.6 version of Counterstrike, and it could run Windows 98 and be used for web browsing and word processing, but that's about it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                            I would say mendocino can't even get CS running well. I have a mendocino 433MHz which doesn't work at 100FSB for its high multi. And I'm just curious about the possibility of modding it. AMD publishs all the datasheet on their website while intel doesn't. There should be someone that has interpreted intel CPUs and I'm just interested to read about it.
                            Last edited by zooba; 08-20-2005, 10:25 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Help with OC... can't cut the bridge

                              Intel do have the pinouts published (though it does take some searching of their site to find them) but Intel lock the multiplier internally within cores so there is no way possible of unlocking it otherwise there'd more published on that process than what there already is on certain AMD processors.

