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A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

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  • A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

    Hi everyone, I just put my system together a few weeks ago and bought a regular A64 3200+ Vience. I bought it from newegg and at the time they had two a64 3200 + 's. I bought the one with the so called new revision which i paid 15$ more for. I've been researching this and saw some site that said the new em4 revisions were really manchester cores with only one core operating. Have any of you guys heard of this. By the way cpu-z will not reconise my cpu. Some of the box's are greyed out. I downloaded another program called gcpuid and it identifies my cpu as a manchester core. Any more info on this would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

    Interesting, I have not heard about this, I actualy just questioned you about it in the 3DMark 06 thread.... If it is it could be that AMD has been having problems with some batches of the Venice cores and had to use the dual core line as a temperary solution. Or they are the X2's that has a bad second core.


    • #3
      Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

      The latter possibility is much more likely, but I'd be really suprised if they were having those kinds of problems. A bad 2nd core is a lot of lost money. Given the CPUID response, though, it looks like that's exactly what's happening.

      You better OC that thing and see how far it goes. The dual-cores actually OC a little further than Venices, and I'd imagine that that's all the more true when there's only one of them.


      • #4
        Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

        You guys can read more about it here : you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can see what cpu-z shows me and what gcpuid shows me. Its exactly as they have the pics except mine is a 3200+. Just think 3ghz on air


        • #5
          Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

          Hey can someone tell me the correct settings to have my cpu run @ 2.6Ghz? I wouls also like to know if i should raise voltage? I hope to get 3Ghz


          • #6
            Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

            Set FSB or HTT (it will be listed as one or the other in the BIOS; I'll refer to it as HTT from now on) to 260 and set RAM:HTT divider to 3/4 or 150MHz (depending on which is the option). This is a fairly minor overclock and probably won't need much more voltage. I'd say take it up by .5 or so.

            Now if you wanted to go to 3GHz, you'd be best off setting HTT to 300, HTT multiplier to 3X, and RAM:HTT divider to 1:2 or 3/6. This would require some major voltage increase (1.7v or more, maybe) and I wouldn't try until you've verified that works at slower speeds. You'll need an XP-90 or XP-120 with a good fan or a similar heatsink to get air temperatures capable of this speed.

            BTW, your current speed is not stock. Stock is 10x200=2GHz. You have it at 10x240=2.4GHz.


            • #7
              Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

              Thanks Yawg, I'll try those settings. What I was referring to was stock voultage @ 2.4Ghz. But thaks for noticing ill change that in my sig.


              • #8
                Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                Hey i tried those settings except i can't set a custom divider. I only have 4 choices 400mhz, 333, 266, or 200. I tried 260fsb with voltage @ 1.39 and
                divider @ did not boot. Guess im out of luck oc ing

                By the way i managed 2.5GHZ with 250HTT and ddr 333mhz and no voltage increase.
                Last edited by TRIGGER; 02-14-2006, 03:33 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                  The computer didn't boot because you set the RAM to 216MHz (DDR432). A ratio of 1:2 is the 200MHz setting in your BIOS. I meant to say it was 100MHz or 3/6 (which are different ways of expressing a 1:2 ratio), which might have helped. For a setting of 260, try the 266 setting. Also, I'm not sure if it works with that board, but there's a program called A64 tweaker that would let you choose a more appropriate ratio. It offers the 3/4 ratio (which isn't listed in the BIOS but will work if the program works with that board). It would be like a 300MHz setting for the RAM which would put you RAM at about 195 if you have the HTT at 260.

                  But that last part won't matter unless you stay there. Your goal should be 300HTT with the 266MHz RAM setting. I don't know about 3GHz, but I wouldn't be suprised if you could turn the CPU multiplier down to 9.5x which would give you 2.85GHz, which isn't exactly a bad overclock.


                  • #10
                    Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                    Hey Yawg i cannot get it to boot even if i raise voltage to 1.4v and set the memory to 266mhz. I also want to know if hypertransport voltage has to be raised? I had to reset the cmos to get it to post. I'll mess around later.


                    • #11
                      Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                      HT voltage doesn't have to be raised, but the multiplier should be taken down to 3 or 4 depending on the speed. with any HTT much over 250, you'll want it at 3x. Anything between 205 and 250 should be 4x.

                      1.4v is probably not enough voltage. For 2.6-2.7GHz you'll need at least 1.5, and it keeps going up from there. I'd say don't try much past 1.6v for any speed unless you've got incredibly good temps.


                      • #12
                        Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                        Ok, I'm at 2.6GHz with these settings: 260fsb, 1.49v, 3x htt, 266mhz ram setting. I just played Doom 3 for 30min the quit really fast to check tems. My highest temp was 43C. Is this pretty good for the stock fan? Also how come my htt is only 700 sumthing amd not 1000 like its supposed to be? This will affect my performance?
                        Last edited by TRIGGER; 02-16-2006, 06:12 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                          That's great for the stock fan. If you're not going to be replacing it, then you won't get much further. If you're willing to replace the fan and possibly the heatsink (in fact it would be more beneficial to replace the heatsink), you'll almost certainly make it past 2.8GHz, provided the board is good enough for it.


                          • #14
                            Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                            So I saw you recommend the Thermalright xp-90? Does it matter which 80mm fan i use with it? Do you think an 80mm fan will fit on the stock heatsink? I plan to lapp the heatsink.Oh by the way my htt speed is like 779. Will this affect performance?
                            Last edited by TRIGGER; 02-16-2006, 08:42 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: A64 Vience is really a Manchester?

                              You'd use a 92mm fan with it, not an 80mm. IIRC the stock fan uses an 80mm fan, but if I'm wrong then no, it won't fit.

                              The HTT speed could theoretically affect performance in certain things, but realistically I doubt you could ever find a difference without a benchmark.

