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how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

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  • how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

    just upgraded to e6300 and i had a p4 3.4ghz 650 and ive always overclocked by fsb but i cant push this to 2.2ghz with fsb so i was just wondering how id go about changin the v core with my mobo and what else id need to change im not plannin on keepin the board for along just gota save for new parts and i just wanted this to run lright while im w8n to upgrade dont like slow pcs my 3d mark 06 had a score of over 3000 on stock clocks my p4 had a score of 2500 so beats it already

    all help be much appreciated

    e6300 1.79ghz 667mhz ddr2 elixir
    asrock 4coredualvista zalman 9500 HSF (runnin at 25C on stock clocks)
    asus en7600gt 256mb graphics card

    1.79ghz clock is a long way from my p4 clockwhich was at 3.79ghz

  • #2
    Re: how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

    Well for one, the E6300 @ 1.8GHz is way more powerful than a P4 @ 3.79GHz. In fact. you'd need the P4 clocked around 10GHz to keep up to a stock E6300.

    Secondly, you really should try and use some form of grammar in your post. It is incredibly hard to read.

    You shouldn't need anymore Vcore to OC that CPU past 2.2GHz. There is some other issue. Most likely the ram is holding it back or the motherboard is just not able to ramp up the FSB any further. ASRock motherboards are definitely not know for their overclocking ability so I'd say until you have the better parts, 2.2Ghz is more than enough.
    GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
    AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
    Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
    Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
    Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
    PC P&C 500W PSU
    2TB Seagate
    Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


    • #3
      Re: how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

      this lin is for memory

      this is for mobo

      just wunderin is this geil memory compatable with this board and if any1 knows what overclock speed id get with this and my e6300?


      • #4
        Re: how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

        also would any1 know a link for a list of compatable graphics card for mobo


        • #5
          Re: how do i overclock my e6300 with asrock 4coredualvista

          Well i'll tell you this about OC'ing with that AS Rock Mobo, I got one also. I have a Q6600 on it, Sweet setup, BUT... If you would of read on that board 1st it does not OC, Not even really little bit at all. It is meant to just put this newer stuff on with your DDR 400fsb and AGP graphics card on a board with the new dual/quad core Intels.

          So if your wanting to OC you deff do need to switch Mobo's Sorry.

