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I'm finished but a small problem...

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  • I'm finished but a small problem...

    Hey guys i am finished with my new beast!
    Though its nice and dandy Gf4 would get rejected by the motherboard. I dunno why?...until CMOS went balistic and set defaults again. When that happen the Ti4600 worked just fine. I was happy but then i noticed that my XP 2000+ was running as a 1.250 GHz. i haven't tried to push yet but that seems the only way my GF4 won't get rejected.
    :?: Anyone have any idea or have experienced thos before. My MOBO is an ABit kx7-333r. Btw RAID ROCKS!
    - Damien

  • #2
    Somewhere there should be a setting to set your FSB speed to 133. At the moment it's probably set at 100. That will put your 1.250 Ghz speed up to 1.666Ghz..

    As for the GF4 issue, that seems strange. Maybe one of the others around here with that MB can help you out.


    • #3
      Yea it is weird...i have no idea why...i'll look into bios right now.
      - Damien


      • #4
        i got it working...i selected 2000+(133) and increased the voltage two hundreth of a volt. Thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it...thanks for the info that all you gave me from the day i join the forums.:cheers:
        P.S. what is that program called the one that displays your front side bus and all that DrCpu or somthing like that ...i remember someone posted the link once but i forgot what it was?
        - Damien


        • #5
          There's one called WCPUID, which can be downloaded from <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

          It's good to see it's all working.. :thumb:


          • #6
            Thx!...i am gonna run a benchmark on it right now...thanks again beefy :thumb:
            - Damien


            • #7
              While you are at it, download <a href="" target="_blank">3D Mark 2001 SE</a> and give that a run too. Tell us in the nVidia Driver Forum how you went. With a beast like that you should easily get over 10,000... :)

              All these programs and more can be found on the TT files page <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>

              hehehe.. nice little plug there.. :)


              • #8
                New i can't boot saids, "NTLDR is missing" and tells me to restart...anyone have any idea what that is. i am thinking of reformatting if there isn't a solution.:?:
                - Damien


                • #9
                  I have gotten that exact same error before. When I got it, it was because I left the driver disk for my NIC in the floppy drive and it was trying to boot from it. Make sure that you don't have any non-system disks in your drives that it might be trying to boot from.

                  Have you hugged a Midget today?


                  • #10
                    OK, thanks for the tip JM, tho i can't try it right now since i'm at work....but once i get home i am gonna check it out. Anyone else had this problem?
                    - Damien


                    • #11
                      I had that problem on a Novell server once, when I, like JM, left a disk in the drive... If there is no disk in the drive, then you've got a serious problem, which will probably need a reinstall...


                      • #12
                        BTW Thanks to Tweaktown for helping with decisions and feeding me with knowledge:thumb: :cheers: : peace2:
                        - Damien


                        • #13
                          and on behalf of TT i'd like to say.... nothing. :D

                          Glad we could help


                          • #14
                            Re: I'm finished but a small problem...

                            HEY about that NTLDR missing error. IM getting it. I did have a NTFS boot cd in my drive when I opend some infected file that restarted my computer. And when it restarted i got "NTLDR MISSING" after taking the boot cd out. It stilll comes up. Any suggestions on how I can fis the problem?
                            my view on the two party system...


                            • #15
                              Re: I'm finished but a small problem...

                              reinstall windows.. It's happened to me so many times.. that file and then the hal one

