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Uneven Temps

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  • #16
    Re: Uneven Temps

    Lots of this horrid white stuff in the air today
    Back to the subject tried your settings 400x8 and refused to boot into windows.
    So tried 356x9 and set memory 2.5 = 1068 (no split options)booted into windows and tripped.
    Got a scare for a moment as i got a black screen thought i had killed it.
    Reset PSU and it booted into the bios reset to 3.0ghz setting and set memory at 1066.
    I did try altering the vcore maybe i did'nt try harder enough but without having the experience not sure is best left alone IFYNWIM
    My temps at idle are 32/32/27/26 should they be lower vcore is set at 1.264
    Paul (don't know your name)


    • #17
      Re: Uneven Temps

      Hello Paul, sunny and warm here in California today. No white stuff in the air, lots of brown stuff though.

      I usually take speeds up by small steps. I have found that I'm not smart enough to go for the ultimate settings in one go. It's easy to get confused when nothing works!

      Have you run the CPU at that FSB already, or was this your first try? I would try to get the CPU stable with the RAM underclocked, say at 1:1 (712 MHz), then go for the RAM's rated clock speed with relaxed timings, and only then try to optimize (sorry, optimise, bloody Yanks!) the RAM timings.

      My Q6600 runs 356x9 with a modest overvolt, but I haven't yet found success getting my 4x2GB setup much past 800 MHz.
      Last edited by Chucko; 02-02-2009, 06:16 PM.
      Intel Q9550 @ 3.842GHz * Gigabyte EP45-UD3P v1.1 * 8GB of OCZ Reaper HPC * nVidia GeForce GTX 660 * Mac OS X 10.9.2


      • #18
        Re: Uneven Temps

        Originally posted by Chucko View Post
        Hello Paul, sunny and warm here in California today. No white stuff in the air, lots of brown stuff though.

        I usually take speeds up by small steps. I have found that I'm not smart enough to go for the ultimate settings in one go. It's easy to get confused when nothing works!

        Have you run the CPU at that FSB already, or was this your first try? I would try to get the CPU stable with the RAM underclocked, say at 1:1 (712 MHz), then go for the RAM's rated clock speed with relaxed timings, and only then try to optimize (sorry, optimise, bloody Yanks!) the RAM timings.

        My Q6600 runs 356x9 with a modest overvolt, but I haven't yet found success getting my 4x2GB setup much past 800 MHz.
        My pc runs fine as far as im aware at this overclock OCCT for an hour temp 61c not managed to get it up to 3.2 but this is ok for the moment very pleased with the result.
        Do have issue with ram see post ram timings.
        No snow today just ice as bad i suppose

