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  • temps.

    Know ive read alot about temps n such.. i know anythin over 80c is bad ? maybe over 70c? heres a screen of my setup (on air cooling) At load heres the results. Is this fine or would u recommend lower temps?? thanks guys!

    As u can see max temp are on the left. I was stressing the cpu before i used burn with a 3d rendering program all cores at 100% for a good 30 mins.

  • #2
    Re: temps.

    I think intel burn test normally gives temp at least 10 c higher then any program so i am sure those temps are fine. Why not disable hyperthreading and see if that doesnt help temps a little. Unless you are using all 8 cores.

    I know my cpu gets to 62c with intel burn test but if i run prime small FTT`s it maxes out @ 45-47c.

    Hope my info helps Nice clock for AIR COOLING
    Intel i7 920 D0 @ 4.2Ghz+HT 1.36V / Gigabyte EX58-UD4P / G-Skill 3x2 gig DDR 2133 PERFECT STORM / MSI 5870 1GIG / Corsair HX1000 Watt/ CM Stacker 830 /
    Cooled By: Swiftech Apogee GTZ /Swiftech MCR-320 /1/2" ID Feser Flexible PVC Tubing /Swiftech MICRO Rev2 Reservoir /Swiftech MCP655 variable/Thermalright HR-05-ifx


    • #3
      Re: temps.

      Those temps are fine for Intel Burn. When I run it on my machine I see temps as high as 85C. Is your heat sink fan the stock cooler? If so then your idle temps seem fine too.

      Best Quote Ever...
      Originally posted by Psycho101
      Obey the one and only rule without question when you overclock.... don't cause a fire. Fires are hot and burny... not good.
      Intel E8400 EO@445x9--Gigabyte EP45-UD3P v1.1 ~ F9--EVGA 9800GT @ 700/1750/1100--8GB Gskill 1066


      • #4
        Re: temps.

        Thanks guys i use alot of video and 3d redering so 8 cores are usefull :D, I have D0 stepping version of the i7 and a Noctua NH-U12P SE1366 cooler recived today i love it allredy ! :D

