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Athlon64 or P4 800FSB based system? Also need MB shopping he

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  • Athlon64 or P4 800FSB based system? Also need MB shopping he

    I had an offer on my spare system and I think I'm going to take it. This means I'll be building a new system. Problem is things have changed alot since I last put a system together (less than 6 months ago).

    I haven't invested into any Athlon based systems for a long time so I'm leaning toward that but the problem there is that the new Athlon 64 3200 CPU runs about $330 (US) where I can get a nice P4 2.8 GHZ 800 FSB CPU for about $200. I bet in a few months the AMD chip will take the biggest price drop since its so new, so now might not be the time to go that way. Maybe I should stick to Intel this time.

    Questions.... What exactly is the advatage that the new AMD chip has over its Intel counterpart? Also what makes the top of the line Athlon 64 FX so spendy? ($750 plus :eek: )

    Anyway, If I did go AMD style I'd settle for the Athlon 64 3200 CPU and if I went Intel I'd go with a P4 2.8 to 3.0 GHZ 800 FSB CPU to stay closer to my price range that I want to spend on a system.

    I've mostly bought cheaper Mainboards in the past, but this time I want to up the anti a little to see the difference in quality. Whats the best new boards for both types of CPU'S?

  • #2
    Spongebob: Asus and Abit both offer a superb range of motherboards.


    • #3
      I would until the N-Force 3 250 chipsets come out if you are going to buy a A64 processor.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mike2010
        I would until the N-Force 3 250 chipsets come out if you are going to buy a A64 processor.
        When is that?


        • #5
          By the end of 2003/ beginning of 2004...


          • #6
            2.8 Ghz Prescott, same price as a 2.4C today..

            Release Feb.. :devil win


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mike2010
              By the end of 2003/ beginning of 2004...
              Thats too long for me to wait if it goes into next year. I'll probably go with another P4 machine. Whats the best P4 800fsb board chipset?


              • #8
                The best chipsets for P4's are the i875 and i865. Two motherboards that I've read good things about are the Abit IC7 Max 3 i875 and the Asus P4C800-E Deluxe i875 mobos.


                • #9
                  I875 is the best, but it's little brother I865 is cheaper and perform very good..


                  • #10
                    I too am looking at either the Athlon 64 3200+ or the P4 2.8c... price wise on the athlon 64 is less than 300 CDN dollars more than the p4, with comparable prices for the mobo's. So, basically for an extra 300 biggies, you get 64-bit processing... is it really worth it?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bodmanza
                      So, basically for an extra 300 biggies, you get 64-bit processing... is it really worth it?

                      Finally the computer CPU catchs up to the Nintendo 64:rolleyes: . I wonder if any software supports a PC 64 bit CPU or if there are compatibility issues with current software like there was back before Intel and AMD dominated the CPU market.:confused:


                      • #12
                        apparently there are no software issues... as it can run either 32 OR 64 bit. i THINK. don't quote me on that though


                        • #13
                          If ya want an ultra high end PC then wait till March/April next year b4 ya decide (ya'd be really stupid to get one b4 then).


                          • #14
                            Oh haha. i don't know about the other lad, but I'm not looking at high end. I'm looking at 2200-2400 CDN


                            • #15
                              Then consider the ASUS P4P800 Deluxe, P4 2.4C and 2x fast PC3500 or better memory as a startin' base.

