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got $7000cnd to waste!!!!!!!

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  • got $7000cnd to waste!!!!!!!

    hey, I just rebuilt my comp. and i am NOT happy at all with it. The only thing i like about it is the case i got the other day..
    im not going to say my sytem specs cuz im to lazy getting out the sheet but i do remmeber i have a Geforce FX 5900 and P4P800

    Well my 3D mark 2001 is i think around 10,000 and i want more so i got all this money but nothin to spend it on(already have a dirt bike and quad and all those stuff)so bacisly i want the best rig i can get and a monitor.

    I dont no how to set up water cooling but i think i can get a guy to help me out....

    ps. and thx for the help on my last thread cuz my dad is really happy with his comp and his GAMES(jeeze he plays more then me).

  • #2
    Water coolin' shouldn't be necessary but what have screwed up to be gettin' such a low score? (my ****ty 2.4B @ 2.7GHz w/ GF4 Ti4200 on single DDR memory channel scores 12K+) :?:


    • #3
      I have no idea why im getting suck low scores. I dont really lag in games like bf1942 and AA....well i kind of do. And i was looking at other people that have about the same specs as me and there scoring about 18,000. And most of my parts are from a 2 yr old copmputer like my hd processor RAM and cd-rom.


      • #4
        tah gAmer: Why not post your system specs so that we can see where your problem lays, you never know it could save you wasting $7K.


        • #5
          k i have two systems to update now. heres system A

          mobo: DRI NB78-BL
          GFX: Geforce FX 5900
          37 GB HD, noname
          512mb, noname
          400watt psu
          1.8 P4

          system B:
          Geforce FX 5900
          40GB HD, noname
          2.4 P4
          1 gig pc2400

          thats all i really no about these two comps off the top of my head but im more intested to getting system A upto speed becuz system B is my other case that is ok for now...i guess


          • #6
            what type of Hard drives ar those? normal ATA 133?

            if it isent, i would get 2 36gb raptor 10,000 rpm HD in raid 1 config. and for the system A, if the ram is lower than pc3200, i would upgrade to 1 gb of pc3500 ram. And also change the 1.8 to a 2.4c or 2.6c if u want.

            for system B. i would also upgrade the HD to 2x36gb raptor if the old Hd is a normal ATA.

            what is ur CPU fan? and case fans?

            but both of ur system ar already Really good, i see no point of upgrading yet. I would put that 7000 buz to other use, if u ar really rich and think 7000 buz is nothing, then donate the 7000 dollars to like red cross or other assocations.


            • #7
              Originally posted by smokin_pc
              if it isent, i would get 2 36gb raptor 10,000 rpm HD in raid 1 config.

              for system B. i would also upgrade the HD to 2x36gb raptor if the old Hd is a normal ATA.
              Not everyone wants / needs the speed that the Raptors can give, let alone in a RAID array. You'd be better off getting a normal 7200rpm drive, instead of wasting money on Raptors. And would a little punctuation in a post go astray?


              • #8
                well i need a new and way better HD and my computer has to be very good at video editing becuz right now my computer cant handle all the information im puting into it(they crash or slow right down to a snails pace) So i guess i need very good RAM but i dont no wat brand and how much...

                and I heard that that AMD 64 bit prcessors are not that true?

                ANd im getting a DVD-recorder,wat kind should i get?


                • #9
                  K i found all the stuff i like is this system ok?

                  AMD Athlon XP 3000+
                  Chaintech 7NJS Motherboard
                  1024MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM
                  Chaintech Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 128MB DDR 8x AGP Videocard
                  NEC AccuSync LCD7V (17inch - Black)
                  Maxtor 200.0GB Hdd (7200)
                  Logitech Z680 5.1 THX
                  Microsoft Windows XP Pro Edition
                  Liteon DVD RW
                  LG DVD-ROM
                  Norton Anti Virus 2003

                  $ 4, 241cnd


                  • #10
                    Nice little system there. Just a couple personal comments:

                    - I'd go for a Radeon 9800 XT video card, but that's a totally personal choice.
                    - Getting both a DVD-ROM and DVD-RW drive is probably a bit redundant. What most people do is get a DVD-RW and a CD-RW drive, if you wish to have 2 drives.
                    - Forget Norton. Download AVG for free. Most people around here will say it does a better job anyway.
                    - Lite-On DVD burner - make sure you get the LDW-411S, not the 410S, as the 411S supports both DVD+R and DVD-R media.


                    • #11
                      k i never tryed ATI yet but ill give it a shot and norton coms free with it and i made a mistake on those to dvd-rom i meant cd-rw


                      • #12
                        Well, if you really want performance and have $, I would go with an Intel system as they really beat AMD's, no question about it. If you arent an over clocker, get an:

                        Intel 3.0GHz 800FSB CPU,
                        i865 chipset (check out MSI's Neo2-FIS2R or an Asus P4P800),
                        1024MB of Corsair 3200 Platinum RAM
                        3x 80GB Seagate Barracuda SATA drives (1 for you OS, the other 2 in a RAID 0 array for games and what not)
                        Radeon 9800Pro 128MB (not nearly as expensive as the XT, and performs almost as well, even better when o/c'd)

                        Those additions will increase the speed of your system incredibly. To make my point about AMD's against Intel, read this:
                        Not that I dont like AMD's, they are incredible processors with a price/performance ratio, but if you have the cash for an intel, why not spend it? As you can see, the 3.0GHz Intel def beats out the 3000+ . The prices in the article are as of July tho, so the processors have come way down since then. Anyways, my :2cents:, that system should be alot faster. Good luck with your new system, : peace2: Mista K6


                        • #13
                          Why don't you get a Athlon 64/FX-51 based system?? You can afford it with that budget...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tah gAmer

                            and I heard that that AMD 64 bit prcessors are not that true?
                            Totally untrue, the Athlon 64 FX51 CPU is the best on the market at the time ;)

                            Also, MistaK6 suggested an i865 chipset (check out MSI's Neo2-FIS2R or an Asus P4P800) ,thats untrue, go for the i875 chipset, and an Asus P4C800 or an ABIT IC7 Max3, as the i875 chipset is better and faster than the i865.


                            • #15
                              I'm just reiterating what I read: . Seems if its faster and cheaper, I'd go with it.

