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got $7000cnd to waste!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by amd_man2003
    Also, MistaK6 suggested an i865 chipset (check out MSI's Neo2-FIS2R or an Asus P4P800) ,thats untrue, go for the i875 chipset, and an Asus P4C800 or an ABIT IC7 Max3, as the i875 chipset is better and faster than the i865.
    In fact tests have proved that there is little to no difference between the i865 and i875 chipsets especially when it comes to overclockin'. tah gAmer already has a P4P800 but I'm wonderin' if he has a 2.4B or 2.4C in it plus what memory is he usin' in it and is he it in dual memory configuration because it just sounds like he's just plain set it up wrong.


    • #17
      lmao, so he does. Well, I'd suggest getting one of those for system A too. And yah, Wiggo's right (of course :p ) , it sounds like you mismatched the wrong parts. Give us some more detailed info and we can map out two very kick ass systems for you :thumb: . : peace2: Mista K6


      • #18
        Originally posted by Beefy
        - Getting both a DVD-ROM and DVD-RW drive is probably a bit redundant. What most people do is get a DVD-RW and a CD-RW drive, if you wish to have 2 drives.
        I disagree. I've seen that a lot of other folks also forego a second drive, but I recently built a P4C video editing machine for a buddy with a DVD-/+RW and a DVD-ROM, and he loves it as he can burn a direct copy without loading to HD first and switching CDs. Saves time and wear on the drives. Also, a little redundancy is a good thing with computers being what they are...IMHO. Guess it just depends on how you use your particular machine. :cheers:

