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700 us dollars for a new gaming comp, suggestions?

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  • 700 us dollars for a new gaming comp, suggestions?

    I have about 700 US $$ I would like to build a gaming comp period for battlefield 1942 with a video card if possible.

  • #2
    Didn't know you had that much! :shock:

    I'm thinking nForce 2 mobo, 512MB DDR PC3200, Barton 2600, maybe more. Good fans and heatsink for some overclocking, 9800 Pro (I got a great link), 350w psu and case. Hell, maybe we can even go SATA. At least 80GB 7200RPM if not SATA. I'm now quite as knowledgeable as some of the other members in this area, but it's time to venture out of the software forums. I'll help you with searching for some hardware and get back when I got something good.

    Barton 3200
    ABIT nForce 2 with SATA
    Kingston PC3200 512MB
    Thermaltake Volcano 10
    Radeon 9800 Pro
    Case with 350W PSU

    Totals around $620 U.S. plus S&H (unless I didn't add something in :( ).
    Just for starters and for other TT members to make changes to. I'll go look for good SATA HDDs. I hope this doesn't go over. I guess dropping SATA or going down in processor could fix that if you can't pay.

    Crap, $685 plus S&H, forgot to add the case. :(

    Nice, but if you're cheap or just don't want that much space:

    $741 with the cheaper. :( $758 with more expensive.

    Wow, I could try something other than Newegg.


    • #3
      $700 is a pretty good budget. What exactly do you need, just a tower? or monitor keyboard, speakers, etc too?

      If you just need a tower, I'd go with this:

      Processor - P4 2.4C $164 Best performance bang-for-you-buck CPU, this thing will easily overclock to 3GHz on air cooling, giving you one heck of a machine.

      Thermal Grease - Arctic Silver 5 You need some high performance paste to keep your CPU well cooled by the heatsink/fan.

      Motherboard - Asus P4P800 Deluxe $122 Great board, tons of features, great for overclocking.

      RAM - 512MB (2x256MB) of CAS2 Corsair PC3200 $138.50 Great, fast RAM. You need two sticks because that motherboard operates in dual channel, it can access two sticks at the same time, giving you faster performance. Also, it has low timings, which is essential to a gaming system.

      HDD - Seagate 120GB HDD $102 Fast, cheap, quiet, great hard drive.

      Case - Antec 1080AMG $113 Great case, 5 fans = great cooling, comes with a 430watt Antec power supply, which is top notch, great deal.

      Floppy Drive - at most $9, any one will do.

      Also add about $50 more for 2 extra fans (the case only comes with 3 fans), optical drive (depends one what you want).

      THat should do it, totaly comes to $699. : peace2: Mista K6


      • #4
        You forgot video. :)

        That P4 might be better than the Barton I picked out. Certainly cheaper. I'm not really sure. I figure he can pull one out of his Compaq rather than buy a new floppy drive. What was wrong with the HDD I found? $30 Cheaper....

        Good, with Mista here this will get somewhere. :D

        Edit: Didn't look at that too well, definetely better than that Barton.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yawgm0th
          You forgot video. :)

          That P4 might be better than the Barton I picked out. Certainly cheaper. I'm not really sure. I figure he can pull one out of his Compaq rather than buy a new floppy drive. What was wrong with the HDD I found? $30 Cheaper....

          Good, with Mista here this will get somewhere. :D
          The 2.4C OC'd to 3Ghz easily outdoes the 3200+

          Personally I'd get something along the lines of an Athlon64 3000+ on an Asus K8V Deluxe, with a stick of 512mb Corsair PC3500, then the normal


          • #6
            I'm bored so I'll search for that stuff, but isn't that going to go a bit over the limit?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Yawgm0th
              I'm bored so I'll search for that stuff, but isn't that going to go a bit over the limit?
              Probably not,

              Athlon64 3000+ ~$215
              Asus K8V ~$115
              512mb Corsair PC3500 ~$110
              80gb WD 7200rpm 8mb ~$80
              ATi 9600 Pro ~$150
              CD-RW- ~$35
              That puts you at $700, sace up about $50 and get a fairly cheap ATX case and a decent 400+Watt PSU and then you;d be well on your way for about $750


              • #8
                Refurbished ASUS K8V. Cheap, but it might not be that great.

                Athlon 64 3000+

                That's $312 right there. Throw in the 9800 Pro ($60 or so more for a 9800 Pro instead 9600, makes sense to me) link I had, that makes it $524. I'm not really sure what take advantage of that processor for case, HDD, and RAM, but I bet we could find something for around $250 (arleady got HDD covered, I guess). He doesn't need floppy or CD (if he wants CD-RW, I guess he can get that).

                I'll look around for a good case and some of that RAM amd_man mentioned.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Yawgm0th
                  Throw in the 9800 Pro ($60 or so more for a 9800 Pro instead 9600, makes sense to me) link I had, that makes it $524. I'm not
                  The way I see it, for the games mentioned a 9600pro would be fine, and would be money saved for better balancing the machine for speed


                  • #10
                    Well, we'll see how it turns out. I think if we can fit it in, it would be worth it.

                    So far I can find tons of 512MB PC3500 RAM, but not much for that price, and not any Corsair for that price.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Yawgm0th

                      So far I can find tons of 512MB PC3500 RAM, but not much for that price, and not any Corsair for that price.
                      My price on the RAM was only an estimate, although I know that Buffalo Tech RAM goes for that price normally


                      • #12

                        Cheap, but cas = 2.5.

                        How's that for a case?

                        $436 with processor, mobo, RAM, Case, no video or HDD.
                        Throw in the HDD, it's $538.50.

                        Make video 9800 Pro, $740.50
                        Make video 9700 Pro,$721.50
                        Make video 9600 Pro 256MB,$687.50
                        Make video 9600 Pro 128MB,$694.5
                        Make video 9600SE, $608.50


                        • #13
                          WOW!!! ok ive done some searching and can go with most of what you fellas/girls? have here over at compusa they asked me for cooling and video card (being I have that 9600 se ati im willing to shuck it and get 200$ US. for a 9600 xt?? if you think so yes if not Ill go with another type of video card


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Yawgm0th

                            Cheap, but cas = 2.5.

                            How's that for a case?
                            That case is a little bad for airlflow IMO. As for the RAM, if he cranks up the voltage on them they should do Cas2 no problem


                            • #15
                              This? Judging from the extra pictres, I'd say it had okay airflow.
                              Will just the one fan be okay?

                              Unless there are any more objections\suggestions, I guess Zephir should choose a video card out of my nice little list (haven't I ever heard of Nvidia? : omg: ) based on price mostly. I suggest the 9700 or 9800 if you can afford to go that high, but if you would rather not I guess one the 9600s will do (probably not the SE). I suppose 9600XT is an option. I would make sure I got one that came with Half-Life 2 (that deal is still there, isn't it?), if I were you.

                              Anyway, that makes everything so far but video:

