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700 us dollars for a new gaming comp, suggestions?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Yawgm0th
    This? Judging from the extra pictres, I'd say it had okay airflow.
    Will just the one fan be okay?

    Unless there are any more objections\suggestions, I guess Zephir should choose a video card out of my nice little list (haven't I ever heard of Nvidia? : omg: ) based on price mostly. I suggest the 9700 or 9800 if you can afford to go that high, but if you would rather not I guess one the 9600s will do (probably not the SE). I suppose 9600XT is an option. I would make sure I got one that came with Half-Life 2 (that deal is still there, isn't it?), if I were you.

    Anyway, that makes everything so far but video:
    Well the front looked pretty tight down to me for fan intake, as the outside of the front bezel was pretty much solid. As for nVidia, ATi is making a better product right now..


    • #17
      Originally posted by amd_man2003
      As for nVidia, ATi is making a better product right now..
      I know, just saying. :)
      I'll keep looking for case I guess. And I (and Zephir) wouldn't mind a link to a good case.


      • #18

        Thats a damn fine case for $62, even comes with a nice Raidmax 420W PSU.


        • #19
          Actually I'd go with Mista K6's suggestion and then ya can stick that R9600 Spastic Edition in it and then get a 2 port KVM and crossover cable, then ya can run a DC program on both and use the Compaq to do something useful and serve the internet while ya play BF1942 or anyother game that ya like. Ya could also sell both video cards (the Compaq don't need one) and get an R9600P/XT or better.


          • #20
            Check, right now you can get a Maxtor 160GB 8mb Cache Hard Drive for $70 shipped no rebates or anything involved.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Yawgm0th
              Good, with Mista here this will get somewhere. :D

              Ah ****, I did forget video. Ok, thinking with my head on straight (was about 11:30 last night that I was typing), I can think of basically two systems that should work for that price range. First:

              First system:

              Processor - P4 2.4C $164
              Thermal Grease - Arctic Silver 5 $8
              Motherboard - Asus P4P800 Deluxe $122
              RAM - 512MB (2x256MB) of CAS2 Corsair PC3200 $138.50
              Video - Sapphire Radeon 9600XT $158
              HDD - Seagate 80GB HDD $82
              Case - Antec w/ 350watt SmartpowerPSU $66 Great case, the 120mm fan based cooling is great, but quiet. Also the PSU is very stable and powerful. Note, I'm biased against RAIDMAX like you posted amd_man, cause I've worked on two of em and both failed, so they arent great in my opinion.

              Total: $738 + $50 for an extra 120MM fan and a DVD ROM if you cant salvage it from your Compaq.

              Second system:

              Processor: 2500+ Athlon XP mobile $93, cheap, overclocks like a mother (from 1.8 to 2.5Ghz easily)
              Thermal Grease - Arctic Silver 5 $8
              Heatsink/Fan (cause stock AMD ones suck): Thermaltake Volcano7+ $18 Great cooler
              Mobo: Abit AN7 $109 Great mobo, tons of features, freat for overclocking, very fast, etc.
              RAM - 512MB (2x256MB) of CAS2 Corsair PC3200 $138.50
              Video - Powercolor Radeon 9700Pro $185 Insanely good video card, and it can overclock like hell, especially with aftermarket cooling (dyantron 1U CPU HS/F, etc)
              HDD - Seagate 80GB HDD $82 Great, quiet, fast, etc.
              Case - Antec 1080AMG $113 Great case, 5 fans = great cooling, comes with a 430watt Antec power supply, which is top notch, great deal.

              Total $738 + $50 extra for two more 80mm fans (case only comes with three) and an optical drive.

              Both are great systems. The first system will be faster data wise, as the CPU (once overclocked) will be 500MHz faster and have a 1000Mhz front side bus. It should rock for encoding and video work, but also will be great for games, especially if you want to host one online. The second system will be a better client gamer. The CPU will still be very fast, and the video will be insanely good. Also, the 430watt PSU will leave alot more room for future upgrades. So, personally, I'd go with the second system, just cause I have cable and usually play on large servers anyways. Also, the second system will be damn fast in its own right anyway. So, let me know what you think. : peace2: Mista K6


              • #22
                Nice. :D

                But we do almost have an A64 system set up. Maybe throw in more cooling and it's done for about the same price.

                It's that same good old 9700 pro that we've linked to like ten times now (back n my old thread too). :D


                • #23
                  I know you want to build it yourself, but this is THE CHEAPEST place I have ever seen to buy a PC... I have bought one of mine here before and its runs great.

                  This is the Athlon 64...


                  • #24
                    Yes, I've seen the A64 system. The problem is, you really need more for an A64 system (currently what I'm saving towards). If you go with a skimpy case or a skimpy PSU, or a low performance video card, it just wrecks the whole system. If his budget was $800 or $850, then yah, I could build an awesome A64 system:

                    A64 3000+ - $222
                    ASUS KV8 SE - $135
                    512MB (1 module) Kreton 3500 CAS2 - $95 (anyone ever heard of kreton? THeir 3500 modules are insanely fast, and cheap)
                    Antec 1080AMG - $113
                    80GB Seagate - $82
                    9600XT - $158 or 9700Pro - $185
                    optical drive - $35

                    You really shouldnt skimp on a PSU or a case, as you can keep reusing them over and over. Hence, by a good Antec or Thermaltake, and you'll def get your money's worth. : peace2: Mista K6


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mista K6
                      Yes, I've seen the A64 system. The problem is, you really need more for an A64 system (currently what I'm saving towards). If you go with a skimpy case or a skimpy PSU, or a low performance video card, it just wrecks the whole system. If his budget was $800 or $850, then yah, I could build an awesome A64 system:

                      A64 3000+ - $222
                      ASUS KV8 SE - $135
                      512MB (1 module) Kreton 3500 CAS2 - $95 (anyone ever heard of kreton? THeir 3500 modules are insanely fast, and cheap)
                      Antec 1080AMG - $113
                      80GB Seagate - $82
                      9600XT - $158 or 9700Pro - $185
                      optical drive - $35

                      You really shouldnt skimp on a PSU or a case, as you can keep reusing them over and over. Hence, by a good Antec or Thermaltake, and you'll def get your money's worth. : peace2: Mista K6
                      That Raidmax case I linked back up there is a perfectly fine case and PSU for half the price of that Antec case...

                      And, IMO so what if you have to be a little under on part of the Athlon64 system, as you can later upgrade that. The A64'is more future-proof than a P4C


                      • #26
                        The case amd_man suggested was a bit more than mine (and much better), but Smokey's link more than makes up for it. And we sure didn't skimp out on the video. I listed the prices with different video cards (including the 9700 pro and 9800 pro). He did say "around" $700. With shipping and handling, it should be under $800.


                        • #27
                          Well, an A64 would be the best choice to get. Iuno, all I can say is go with it and see what happens. As for cooling in that case, its set up for you to cut out the front and install a 120mm, so that would be a good choice, as it will cool your HDD and provide plenty of cool air to the rest of the system. Make sure you get an air filter with it. So, adding it all up:

                          A64 - $222
                          ASUS KV8 SE - $135
                          1x512MB Kreton - $95
                          RAIDMAX Case/PSU - $62
                          80GB Seagate - $82 (just cause its feasible, couldnt get smokey's link to work)
                          9700Pro - $183


                          Add $10 for a front 120mm and $35 for an optical drive, $8 for arctic silver 5 thermal grease (do it right the first time).
                          $832 total

                          My thing would be to lay down the cash now, cause if you skimp on video or something else, then you'll end up paying more than if you had just bought the right stuff in the first place.

                          THe system will smoke, thats for sure, you'll easily see 3dMark2001SE scores of 20,000. And this'll eat any game for lunch, especially once its overclocked. You should have a hell of alot of fun with it.

                          And sry for crashing the party, but you might want to wait until June to do all of this anyways, and get a Socket-939 A64 CPU and a mobo with PCI-express, that way you can actually upgrade in the future :shrug:
                          THat's what I'm doing anyways

                          : peace2: Mista K6


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mista K6
                            Well, an A64 would be the best choice to get. Iuno, all I can say is go with it and see what happens. As for cooling in that case, its set up for you to cut out the front and install a 120mm, so that would be a good choice, as it will cool your HDD and provide plenty of cool air to the rest of the system. Make sure you get an air filter with it. So, adding it all up:

                            A64 - $222
                            ASUS KV8 SE - $135
                            1x512MB Kreton - $95
                            RAIDMAX Case/PSU - $62
                            80GB Seagate - $82 (just cause its feasible, couldnt get smokey's link to work)
                            9700Pro - $183


                            Add $10 for a front 120mm and $35 for an optical drive, $8 for arctic silver 5 thermal grease (do it right the first time).
                            $832 total

                            My thing would be to lay down the cash now, cause if you skimp on video or something else, then you'll end up paying more than if you had just bought the right stuff in the first place.

                            THe system will smoke, thats for sure, you'll easily see 3dMark2001SE scores of 20,000. And this'll eat any game for lunch, especially once its overclocked. You should have a hell of alot of fun with it.

                            And sry for crashing the party, but you might want to wait until June to do all of this anyways, and get a Socket-939 A64 CPU and a mobo with PCI-express, that way you can actually upgrade in the future :shrug:
                            THat's what I'm doing anyways

                            : peace2: Mista K6
                            I think Yawgm0th had linked to a refurbished K8V for less than $135, I can't remember though. Personally I would just go ahead and upgrade, as its going to be hard to afford the new tech in May-July months unless you got a budget of over $1000-$1500 in my opinion.


                            • #29
                              I'll make all these links less confusing now.

                              512 MB DDR PC3500 cas2.5 Kingsmax
                              Seagate 120GB 7200RPM SATA HDD
                              Refurbished ASUS with K8T800
                              Athlon 64 3000+
                              Case with 420W PSU
                              Radeon 9700 Pro

                              Total = $742.74 U.S. plus shipping.
                              And the HDD can be downgraded a bit to save a good $30 or so.

