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HDTV (720p-1080i) as a monitor???

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  • HDTV (720p-1080i) as a monitor???

    I recently began building a new computer and decided I wanted a rather large monitor. My question is: Would the display quality of a 27" inch HDTV (720p-1080i) compare to that of a 21" inch flat screen monitor. What would the actual resolution be on the HDTV compared to say a 1600x1200 res. on a monitor. Keeping in mind that im looking for something cost effective (a 15" lcd is to small, yet as expensive as a 21" flat screen)
    Any help would be appreciated...

  • #2
    No need to post the same topic twice.... :roll:
    HDTVs can permanently burn images into the screen if you leave the same thing displaying for too long. I haven't tried using one as a monitor, but I bet it's not a good idea.

