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New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

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  • New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

    As title says, looking for the best CPU and motherboard for 250 bucks
    Prefer Intel P4......

    (BTW posting this for a friend, i'm an AMD guy my self, but cant seem to talk him into an Athalon, lol)

  • #2
    Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

    This is probably your best bet.




    *link removed*
    __________________________________________________ _______________


    amd_man edit: No more of that crap please
    Last edited by amd_man2005; 07-14-2004, 10:07 AM.


    • #3
      Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

      What is an Athalon? Also are you talking USD or some other currency?


      • #4
        Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

        Athalon would be Athlon in common sense...
        dr_sharp, he said no AMD.

        Try this out:
        MSI 865PE NEO2-PLS - $74
        P4 2.4c $169 (800mhz FSB, HT, HSF included.


        • #5
          Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

          Thanks guys....
          Didnt say AMD was out of the question, just said that he would prefer P4
          Thanks though


          • #6
            Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

            Originally posted by SpeedingPenguin
            Didnt say AMD was out of the question, just said that he would prefer P4
            Yep you did say "PREFER" but some people do get carried away with their own self importance (or power trip).


            • #7
              Re: New motherboard and CPU, 250 bucks max total

              OEM Athlon 64 2800$173
              Arctic Cooling HSF$9.49
              GIGABYTE GA-K8VT800M$79 (there are cheaper motherboards, but I don't like the looks of them, based on user ratings, chipsets, and features).
              A bit overbudget, but I'd say it's worth it. The HSF and OEM CPU are actually cheaper than the retail version. Go with a K8V if the extra few bucks doesn't matter.

              I can't see going with a 2.4C setup even if he does prefer P4s as there are faster AMD alternatives for the same price in both socket A and socket 754. Try hard to convince him so. An A64 should beat it in most stuff, especially games (assuming that's what he's into). You may want to read this article (and note that those are 2.8s getting beat, not 2.4s). Have your friend read it, too. Pay particular attention to the gaming stuff (again, assuming that's what this is for).

              If the slightly over-budget A64 setup is no good, then an Athlon XP setup would likely be better. The mobile 2500 is great for OCing (get it and a nice cooler if he wants to OC a lot and save money), but something in the 2800-3200 would be cheap and provide stock performance closer to (exceeding) the P4 setup (which the 2500 wouldn't do all that well).

