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WD or maxtor?

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  • WD or maxtor?

    Hello Fellas. Which HD should I buy WD or Maxtor? Whish is more stable and reliable? I've been using Quantum Fireball for 3 years with no problems, but they stop making them. What do you guys suggest?

    Thanks for any input.


  • #2
    Both make 8mb cache versions w/3yr warranty and I use both. Maxtor in my wife's rig, WD in mine. Am pleased with both. I'm sure others will have other opinions though.


    • #3
      Originally posted by bigjackusa
      Both make 8mb cache versions w/3yr warranty and I use both. Maxtor in my wife's rig, WD in mine. Am pleased with both. I'm sure others will have other opinions though.
      Thats a new one for me...8mb cache Maxtor drivespretty cool... IMO i will go for WD which also have the 8mb cache, and I believe that they were the first ones with it. I haven't had a problem with my one 30gig Maxtor that is 5 years old. Everything else i have used is WD. They make great HD and no one ever seems to complain about them as they do with Maxtors. Maxtors aren't all that cheaper to WD anyway. I would go with WD.:)
      - Damien


      • #4
        I have had reliability issues with older Maxtor drives and several others are having problems with the newer models. Unless you can get a sure thing on the warranty, it may be worth your while to just get the WD version.

        But if you do decide to go Maxtor, MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP ALL YOUR DATA!
        Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
        My Toys


        • #5
          Hmm Ive got an 80gb Maxtor in my rig for the past 4 months and it hasnt had any problems;) Maybe I'm just lucky but the drive seems to be working perfectly :thumb:


          • #6
            Quantum got bought by Maxtor a couple of years ago. I've probably put 50 Maxtor drives in machines in the last few years and never had one go bad.


            Here's the 8mb Maxtor:

            SEAGATE OFFICIAL SUPPORT Get the most out of all your data storage devices with how-to videos and articles, software downloads, technical support information, and data recovery services.

            And Seagate offers 8mb in their SATA drive of 80gb and larger:

            Seagate helps the world store more data and harness its potential with breakthrough cloud storage services, systems, hard drives, solid state drives, and end-to-end data management solutions.


            • #7
              Thx for the links Big jack...seems like 8mb cache might become a new standard in hd's...
              - Damien


              • #8
                I walked into a store the other day and they had a 120G Maxtor with 8Mb cache ---- Sweet!

                If that rascal had said Western Digital on it, I wouldn't have left the store without it:laugh:

                1 bit of advice for those performance-minded individuals seeking the Maxtor solution to storage.
                Turn off the acoustic management!

                thanks, feels better getting that off my chest
                The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Looper
                  Hello Fellas. Which HD should I buy WD or Maxtor? Whish is more stable and reliable? I've been using Quantum Fireball for 3 years with no problems, but they stop making them. What do you guys suggest?

                  Thanks for any input.

                  I think 8 MB cache is the key feature to large & fast harddrives. I have a 120 mb WD 7200RPM that does not have the 8mb cache, it's the slowest harddrive I've ever owned in atleast the last 5 years, beleive me my old smaller Maxtor drives run noticably faster even though they are not 7200 RPM.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for all your inputs guys. I think i'll go with WD 8mb cache 7200RPM HD:)

                    Thanks again:thumb:


                    • #11
                      I will never use Maxtor again. Worst pieces of crap I've ever had to deal with. Have yet to have ANY problems with all 12-14 WD drives I've used, well except for one when I dropped on the concrete. :cry:

                      WD SE are sweet, I got 2 80G right now.



                      • #12
                        I'm looking at this one with 8meg cache, but i'm not sure if it's the SE version.:confused:


                        • #13
                          the Westen Digital 8mb cached ones are the Special Editions, im not sure if their access time is improved over the 2mb versions.


                          • #14
                            im never using maxtor again, i had an old system with 2gb drive that went out in a yr. I bought a 20gb 7200rpm, ok, but it seems to be dying, my wd 120gb is the best, i just wish id have got the 8mb cache

