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Thoughts on this purchase?

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  • Thoughts on this purchase?

    OK, i'm pickin up the following in teh near future and wanted to know what you guys think (this will just be processor/mobo/memory/video, everything else i already have):

    Albatron PX845PEV PRO
    P4B 2.4Ghz
    512 MB of PC2700 DDR
    ATi Radeon 9500 Pro

    I think it will be a major upgrade from my current Celeron 533 on 458 MB of SDRAM with a GeForce 2 GTS vid card, so I will be happy no matter what, but I wanna hear what you guys have to say.

  • #2
    I'll leave this one to the folks who are more savvy in the Intel arena than I am. But the video card should do well. :)
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      Sounds like you're getting a real bang for your buck system. One question tho, are you planning to keep this PC for a while? Sounds to me like you are, since your past one is somewhat older. My only suggestion would be to dump in a little more $ and get some more cutting-edge stuff so you wont have to upgrade much sooner. PC2700 is some great RAM, so if you wanna keep that, that's cool cause its somewhat cheaper and it's easier to get. I would upgrade to a straight 533mhz board with AGP 8X, as it seems that's the way Vid cards are going. I dont know anything about Radeon cards, but I've heard the 9500 is a great card. Personally, I'd upgrade to 768 or 1ghz of RAM, but I'm a RAM freak, so I dunno what kind applications your running, so I dont know if you'll need that much :rolleyes2: . Other than that, soudns like a pretty good rig, dont take my word on this stuff tho, I dunno alot, but that's jsut my :2cents: . Hope that helps. Peace : peace2: Mista K6


      • #4

        I love my Albatron board, but I spent a little extra and got the PX845PE Pro II that is 667 FSB ready and DDR 400 and above. This board allowed me to overclock my P4B 2.4 up to 3.06 gigs!!!:laugh: :D I spent a little more money on high quality Ram, OCZ, that I knew would hold up to the OCing that I was planning to do to my chip. The Radeon 9500 Pro is a great vid card too. It can be softmodded to a 9700 Pro also, which will save you a little money rather than buying the 9700 Pro. Hope I helped.:cheers:



        • #5
          Originally posted by Hawks

          I spent a little more money on high quality Ram, OCZ, that I knew would hold up to the OCing
          OCZ is good Quality?:confused:
          - Damien


          • #6
            The only thing that I'll say is that I'll never touch OCZ items (some will be ok but a lot won't be). : peace2:


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wiggo
              The only thing that I'll say is that I'll never touch OCZ items
              I fully agree

              [b](some will be ok but a lot won't be). : peace2:
              & good luck RMA'ing the ones that don't work
              :rolleyes: :mad: :yuc:


              • #8
                Originally posted by RDR
                I fully agree
                SO DO I!:yuc:
                - Damien


                • #9
                  :laugh: I guess I missed something here? All the reviews that I've read on OCZ ram have rated them excellent! Including the one done here by TT ?:confused: So... forgive me if I'm at a lose here? What is the big secret? Please let me in on it so that I won't go buying any more OCZ products. I mean, honestly, you can see what I've bought from my sig, did I buy a bunch of sub standard products? And isn't 3DMARK2001 benchmarking's purpose is to rate and compare your system against similar others? I thought that 17k on 3DMark2001 is a great score? Please... your opinions are important to me because I know that you guys know what you're talking about, so just put it out there!



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hawks

                    I love my Albatron board, but I spent a little extra and got the PX845PE Pro II that is 667 FSB ready and DDR 400 and above. This board allowed me to overclock my P4B 2.4 up to 3.06 gigs!!!:laugh: :D I spent a little more money on high quality Ram, OCZ, that I knew would hold up to the OCing that I was planning to do to my chip. The Radeon 9500 Pro is a great vid card too. It can be softmodded to a 9700 Pro also, which will save you a little money rather than buying the 9700 Pro. Hope I helped.:cheers:

                    I spent a bit extra and got the PX845PEV-800 and can overclock my 2.53 to 3.667 ghz (not stable, but hehe 3.515 my max stable currently)... no complaints about 193mhz FSB (qpd 772mhz... mmm)

