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format software

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  • format software

    Dead accta
    Last edited by drxploder; 05-04-2014, 06:37 PM.

  • #2
    U dont need any format software.... what are u trying to do? what os?


    • #3
      I want to format and reinstall windows. Windows hasn't worked since I put in my new motherboard, ram, and cpu.


      • #4
        All you need to do is get a boot disk, and while in the DOS prompt type format c:

        c beeing whatever the drive letter really is


        • #5
          I dont know. But if youve got TWO HD, one will be C:, and the other will be D: As the ordering in DOS goes

          A:, B: are floppy drives

          C: - Z: Is HD, CD Drives Like this

          C: HD
          D: HD
          E: CD-RW
          F: DVD-ROM

          It may not be exactly like that, but thats the order theyre lettered in, Hardrvies, then CD drives.


          • #6
            the primary is partitioned into three parts


            • #7
              I see!, Then the primary would be like this

              C: Partiton1
              D: PArtition2
              E: Partition3


              • #8
                Originally posted by amd_man2003
                All you need to do is get a boot disk, and while in the DOS prompt type format c:

                c beeing whatever the drive letter really is
                that will format a drive in fat32 and if he is using winXP or 2k he would be better off formatting in NTFS

                You can simply use your windows CD to format the drive you want to instal it on and if you are using windows XP you can try to repair the install when you boot off the CD to avaoid formating

                it sounds like you moved your HDD from old hardware to new and that is never a good idea if you don't plan to format and reinstall windws

                try to repair it if you have data you don't want to lose..otherwise boot off the CD and format it from there


                • #9
                  Originally posted by minibubba
                  that will format a drive in fat32 and if he is using winXP or 2k he would be better off formatting in NTFS
                  Hes using 98, hes got a few other threads about different probelms is how i know that


                  • #10
                    ah, now that does make things a bit easier

                    then get your win98 bootdisk out or download one from

                    if you're not sure which partion windows is installed on, just check the main directories

                    from the command prompt type 'C:' and enter then type 'dir' and should see your main windows directories there...if you do then that is your partition to format

                    then just do as amd_man2003 said and type 'format c:\' or just let the CD do it


                    • #11
                      If your for a user friendly way to format or partition I highly recommend PARTITION MAGIC from Powerquest. Great tool that partitions, formats, and arranges your partitions (drives).


                      • #12
                        but Partition Magic cost money and there are so many ways to do the same thing for free

                        don't get me wrong, Partiton Magic is an excellent program but I just don't see paying for software like that when there are free and effective solutions available


                        • #13
                          PARTITION MAGIC is actually an excellent in-Windows re-partitioning program, with easy to use controls and a good GUI.

                          Its not like id bring it out in DOS or during an installation. But its good for pre-formats when your trying to back up all yoru stuff and you'd rather have another partition than have to go buy another CD-R spindle.


                          • #14
                            Yes, but a true "Jedi master" woulden't need partition magic to create multiple partitions...:rofl:


                            • #15
                              I like using VMware to partition, way easier in my opinion as it auto does it when you want to load a new OS

